The Earth doesn't have to be flat for me to know NASA is lying about their activities in space.
I'm not saying I believe the space station, satellites (as we know them), and space travel is a fabrication, but I'm more willing to accept those things are hold-over yellow snow from the Cold War pissing contest and they just can't admit it was all a lie because they've gone too far with the charade than I am to believe the Earth is flat.
Some researches insist that all our internet and such is done through underground and undersea cables and cell phone communications are transmitted through the air via cell-phone towers, etc., not satellites orbiting the earth.
But if they do use satellites suspended from balloons, these kind can go up to 100,000 ft in altitude and can stay aloft indefinitely with their tech and solar panels. I doubt any of us could see them at that height, so there could be a lot of them. These one or two that are visible may be falling too low due to a defect or malfunction.
Imagine thinking that the psychopathically evil satanic controllers of perception that have lied to the entire world about literally everything would draw the line at the shape of the earth.
I read this stuff and I feel genuinely scared for the future of the world. My god, imagine thinking the "firmament" is a bubble and that we are the center of the universe
More like it’s all a simulation that will show you what you believe. If you think the earth is flat you will see tons of evidence to support that and vice versa re: globe
The Earth doesn't have to be flat for me to know NASA is lying about their activities in space.
I'm not saying I believe the space station, satellites (as we know them), and space travel is a fabrication, but I'm more willing to accept those things are hold-over yellow snow from the Cold War pissing contest and they just can't admit it was all a lie because they've gone too far with the charade than I am to believe the Earth is flat.
Toroidal hollow Earth, maybe, but flat? -- No...
You, sir, want to look into the Thunderbolts project on YouTube If you're looking for a absolutely 100% true space theory that NASA won't look at
Will be looking at this. Thanks
Here's some conspiracy crack, the moon is a reflection of the full map of earh
Closer to the truth than msm
Just another distraction - don't fall for it
NASA is the number one purchaser of helium. 🤔🤫
I guess there are only two satellites in the sky, since we can see them from earth… 🥴
Some researches insist that all our internet and such is done through underground and undersea cables and cell phone communications are transmitted through the air via cell-phone towers, etc., not satellites orbiting the earth.
But if they do use satellites suspended from balloons, these kind can go up to 100,000 ft in altitude and can stay aloft indefinitely with their tech and solar panels. I doubt any of us could see them at that height, so there could be a lot of them. These one or two that are visible may be falling too low due to a defect or malfunction.
That may explain the huge wirenut in my basement.
Imagine being a flattard.
Imagine thinking that the psychopathically evil satanic controllers of perception that have lied to the entire world about literally everything would draw the line at the shape of the earth.
I read this stuff and I feel genuinely scared for the future of the world. My god, imagine thinking the "firmament" is a bubble and that we are the center of the universe
I’ll believe everything and nothing at this point…
I can think of a lot of "celebrities", social media folks and whatever you'd call the Kardashians that think they're the center of the universe.
still have edge front property for sale.....still no takers
...and celestial mechanics be damned I suppose.
If the Earth was round, could I do this......? Well, could I?
Space is fake? Who faked it? God? Lol nincompoops
More like it’s all a simulation that will show you what you believe. If you think the earth is flat you will see tons of evidence to support that and vice versa re: globe