38 The Five Food Groups will change to delete the MEAT Group and substitute the BUGS Group. Notice that the Bugs Group is located next to the vegetables and grains... because you will likely get a mix of bugs in those anyway. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Retaining_H2O 2 years ago by Retaining_H2O +38 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
To which I say: FOXTROT OSCAR.
our grandchildren will eat the bugs as we eat now the steaks
FIVE groups? I thought there were only FOUR groups... the beer group, the salt group, the cholesterol group and the caffeine group
You forgot the chocolate group! 🍫
Looks like they are trying to turn us into lizards.
Not tagged as a Shit Post... but I’m not believing this. Do you have sauce?
It's a Shit Post. Meme designed to make people think.
Thanks for the clarification. I’m rating to get my family to see the trend in messaging— they think I’m whacko for even thinking they are going to give us crickets.
Since cow farts destroy the atmosphere, the dairy group will include only products made from cockroach milk.
have you tried to milk a cocroach??? not fun.... and they bite, too!
Be a shame if their bug processing plants started to meet the same fate as our food processing plants
I'm quite happy that the AIDS riddled Lefties are the test group.
I definitely don't want to eat bugs!
but I do think there has to be a better way to process meat...packing houses are vile🤢 our animal friends deserve better.
also, who started such a process?
why do we need to 'slaughter' thousands of animals in one spot/everyday just so people can be gluttons...
Is there something more to the story?
are packing houses part of the 'rituals'? maybe they're on leylines...would be interesting to map them, see if there's a pattern.