I don't see that this post has anything about homosexuality.
Its not about homosexuality. It's about male=XY, Female =XX. Even the very rare birth defects are either XY Or XX, just maybe equiped differently. The mental illness part is now being taught to our children and normalized by our disgraceful government and legacy media.
Fren, this gets passed around every so often by request. It's on Internet Archive but for some reason you have to have an account to view it. So I'm re-uploading it for easy access. I am not the creator of this, just a Fren sharing info. Enjoy!
I think that there are a lot of layers to homosexuality. I think some truly do have the wiring to be gay, that is not up for dispute here of course.
What is most common is the grooming, from all facets and vectors of attack. Maybe shows spend extra time normalizing homosexuality (because of course, the characters in these shows can never JUST be gay, you have to go through their life's story and watch as they run their entire life's identity as being gay), or maybe the media or big tech or government push it. Maybe they spend enough time outlawing discussion or criticism which causes cultural shifts and a focus on how cool and unique you are (and how untouchable you are) for being gay.
All of these things happen. I don't know about a parasite in the way you mean, but children are infected by parasites from day one of their life nowadays.
Your science appears to be sound, fren.
I don't see that this post has anything about homosexuality. Its not about homosexuality. It's about male=XY, Female =XX. Even the very rare birth defects are either XY Or XX, just maybe equiped differently. The mental illness part is now being taught to our children and normalized by our disgraceful government and legacy media.
I was banned for that as well, but in 2017. Twitter is gay.
Some theorize that homosexuality could be related to parasitic infections, since parasites drive their hosts to contact with feces.
Yes- I have seen studies and a lengthy interview. One man lost his homo tendencies after starting an ivermectin regimen.
Fren, this gets passed around every so often by request. It's on Internet Archive but for some reason you have to have an account to view it. So I'm re-uploading it for easy access. I am not the creator of this, just a Fren sharing info. Enjoy!
Thanks! Free download worked great.
No problem. I should have used catbox as another Fren pointed out, but I'm glad you got it working with no issues!
Interesting. I take fenbendazole periodically and HCQ every other day. I am not psychotic or schizophrenic. Nor have I noticed any side effects.
Here you are. I shrank the file size:
Could you imagine hcq and ivermectin cured gayness lolz
Hence demonized.
The Earth axis would change.
I think that there are a lot of layers to homosexuality. I think some truly do have the wiring to be gay, that is not up for dispute here of course.
What is most common is the grooming, from all facets and vectors of attack. Maybe shows spend extra time normalizing homosexuality (because of course, the characters in these shows can never JUST be gay, you have to go through their life's story and watch as they run their entire life's identity as being gay), or maybe the media or big tech or government push it. Maybe they spend enough time outlawing discussion or criticism which causes cultural shifts and a focus on how cool and unique you are (and how untouchable you are) for being gay.
All of these things happen. I don't know about a parasite in the way you mean, but children are infected by parasites from day one of their life nowadays.
Why better to be celibate and then gay? Why not simply remain celibate?
Yep. I got the same. You can't say trannies are mentally ill
Let's see, whatever scientific facts are OFFENSIVE. π = 3.14159 Euler's Constant = 0.57721566490153 Golden Ratio = 1.161803398874989 Newton's Constant of Gravitation = 6.674e-11 N (m/kg^2) Plank Constant = 6.62607015e-34 J*s
That should lead to a life long ban.
Now, that's just funny
Thanks for this stupid post and thread. Next comes the blowback: "QAnon believers hate gays."
Congratulations ya'll. Nice work. 👍🤦♂️
Don't know who these QAnon believers are. Never heard of them. Is that a cult or something?
Oh now I'm crushed. I've been publicly minused. 😭