A mod's life is full of difficult judgement calls. Did we make the right decision with that one post? Were we too harsh, perma-banning that one troll? Here's a real quandary... Did we go too far, perma-banning u/Blind-fury? I will happily allow him back if you guys want him! Thoughts?

Lol this guy thinks his penis size dictates whether or not he gets unbanned.
From his OnlyFans page, I'd say massive was an understatement.
It was only half the story!
The other half was below sea level!
She said "Gimme 12 inches and hurt me" so I fucked her twice and then hit her in the head with a frying pan.
Catsfive thinks that's a solid argument so seems like a good play so far. Honestly, if people are coming to this board they are likely looking for a community of free thinkers and inquiring minds. If I wanted the safety of being a NPC in a room of other NPCs then off to the Huffington post. If the big dick ever claims fauci did good work with beagles then a life ban is appropriate but I'm prejudice against devils that torture animals. Prejudice prevents proper processing of information. Scott Adams learned that just recently. In fact how many of us had our Great Awakening all at once? Anyone? Did something not sit right with JFK assassination? Maybe this Bush guy would off Reagan to become #1. Maybe his son might lie about WMDs. Those kids reading with W during the tower drops? Did ISIS seem legit? Benghazi? Antifa? Russiagate? Who knows what's going to wake someone up. They don't wake up and become a QPC all at once. Are you awake? Each time I think I am, I learn more and change my definition.
I've heard the excuse that letting some ideas in might make the MSM and Satanists call us crazy. Newsflash....they already call us Qtards because they think were are fucking crazy. Let everyone in or you will just have a good awakening or maybe not even that. If big D introduces thought provoking ideas that can only be countered with claims from an agency started with NAZIs then I vote let him in. I'm German but I don't like NAZIs. I don't support Ukraine because the Nazis fled to Ukraine and America. Project Paperclip is not a conspiracy. Werner von Braun was a German rocket scientist that forced slaves (you know) to mine tunnels and build rockets before America put him in charge of NASA. If that Nazi Says we went to the moon then by God we did it. Today They say we lost all the calculations and technology from those missions and its too difficult to reproduce it. NASA discusses their Orion project and mentioned that we never left low earth orbit and they need to solve the radiation problem of the van Allen belt before humans can pass...wait what? Buzz Aldrin is somewhat involved and has said many times that it didn't happen! Can we agree that sometimes your government tells you its safe and effective but its a lie?
Banning someone for questioning documented discrepancies on a research board based primarily on researching government corruption and lies seems prejudiced and wrong. I was the victim of this prejudice last year. I fell for the trap Of a funny meme of a cat knocking a glass of milk off a flat earth spinning in space. It was absurdly funny misrepresentation of the biblical geocentric model but too funny if you ever own a cat. The mod stated in that tread that he loved these posts since it lured the flat earthers out into the open so he could ban them. I fell for it and got a one month ban.
As a Christian that believes the biblical account of creation, A literal reading of the Holy Bible will prove:
I enjoyed it. Keep researching and prove everything. I'll miss you.
Yep. I read "The Conscious Universe" by Dean Radin and then understood the truth about God and mankind.
A man boasts what is the most precious to him. Also tells what hurts him the most when lost.
If a man boasts of his penis, injure or remove it to hurt him catastrophically.
Uh oh. I think you just broke the rule regarding calls for violence - unless you plan to remove it painlessly.