Why do 35% of all Black pregnancies end in abortion... yet only about 12% of White and 15% of Hispanic pregnancies are aborted?
Why are 300,000 Black babies killed each year by abortion in the U.S., more than ANY other ethnic group... and yet Blacks only make up 12% of the population?
Perhaps it's because the Planned Genocide clinics are all located within easy walking distance of largely black neighborhoods. Coincidence? I think not.
Nope, very little 'prevention' going on, it is about termination of parenthood.
It is the government's plan for no parenthood.
It's Planned Genocide.
Why do 35% of all Black pregnancies end in abortion... yet only about 12% of White and 15% of Hispanic pregnancies are aborted?
Why are 300,000 Black babies killed each year by abortion in the U.S., more than ANY other ethnic group... and yet Blacks only make up 12% of the population?
Perhaps it's because the Planned Genocide clinics are all located within easy walking distance of largely black neighborhoods. Coincidence? I think not.
Unplanned Parenthood
planned sale of body parts....
Planning is for people with self control and abortion clinics are for people without it.