posted ago by Gods_plan_trumps_all ago by Gods_plan_trumps_all +46 / -0

The pharisees accused Jesus of casting out devil's by Beelzebub. The wisdom Jesus gave us from that accusation was that if it was true then satans kingdom would fall. For Satan to cast out devils would make his kingdom weaker not stronger, therefore it's not logical or feasible that the accusation was true. He went on to say a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

So let's do the same thing in our current situation, use logic and discernment based of biblical wisdom given to us all long ago.

Satan is the ruler of this world. He offered all the kingdoms to Jesus, if He would only bow to him. Jesus didn't refute that claim, He didn't tell Satan he didn't have that power or authority.

So everyone in power of this world serve in Satan's kingdom/world here on earth. Now with everything we have learned the last several years is that all the wins we thought the good guys got were nothing more than a lie. The enemy had his people on both sides of the war. Which ensured that he would determine the winner and ultimately manipulate the circumstances to benefit his continued enslavement of mankind.

Now here we find ourselves entrenched in yet another major war, one might say the biggest one yet. If this is not the final battle that our Bible tells about, then it's just another war that is rigged. Satan will choose the outcome that serves him and his agenda, as has always been the case.

So I say all of this to say this. Jesus' words ring just as true today as they did then. Satan's kingdom cannot stand if it is divided against itself. Which is why I firmly believe that we are being manipulated by the enemy himself. Because he has his people in place on both sides of this war. Sure there's plenty to look at and think there's a entity fighting on our behalf. But it doesn't pass the smell test. It doesn't line up biblically.

Now I know practically everyone on here won't agree with my assessment of the situation. That's fine, it's what makes this country so great. We speak freely and let free men choose their position on the matter.

Yes I know God is in control and His will is sovereign. But His word does not speak of a world wide revival. He tells us the only time Satan and his kingdom is defeated is when His anointed Son comes back to defeat Satan once and for all. Until then, Satan is calling the shots as far these kingdoms go.

So I would caution you brothers and sisters to pray without ceasing. Seek God's wisdom on this matter. For I feel it is a salvation issue. To be deceived and misled into following the enemy and serve him. How could it not be a salvation issue? Sure people's intentions are righteous and true. But many have been led astray by good intentions.

I strongly believe that what God is telling His people to "come out of her my people." Not only the false traditions and doctrines of men, but the whole pagan system altogether. This manipulation of the mind and spirit is leading people into false idolatry worship. I'd go so far as to say worshipping the beast. We know what happens to those who worship the beast.

Most will mock and scoff at yet another warning from a simple servant of The Most High. So be it, it is written. If a man truly fears God Almighty then he will give heed to these words and give serious thought and at least take it in prayer to our Father. If your first reaction after reading this is to quickly comment to defend your position against mine. I'd urge you to pause, to not let pride speak for you. If after some thought, consideration and hopefully some prayer you feel led to show me the error of my way, then by all means have at it.

God Bless you brother/sister, may our Father guide you toward the straight and narrow path. Remember there be but few that find it.