Technology is being withheld from the American public.
There were 6,057 inventions that were under Secrecy Orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2022. For secrecy orders issued by year see website. The number of secrecy orders have only increased each year. This is technology that is rarely ever released from it's gag order. Tracking of secrecy orders can be found here. In the last 5 years, inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2018 were 5792. In 2019 it 5878, In 2020, it was 5915, and In 2021, it was 5976 secrecy orders.
“The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts, far outweigh the dangers that are cited to justify them. There is a very grave danger that an announced need for an increased level of security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment. That I do not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control.” – JFK (source)
Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, patent applications on new inventions can be subject to secrecy orders restricting their publication if government agencies believe that disclosure would be “detrimental to the national security.” The so-called areas which the government deems “sensitive”? These include smartphones, internet-enablers and a whole gamut of technology. Dr Gerald F. Ross invented an anti-electromagnetic-transmissions-jammer and had to wait nearly four decades before it got approved. In the interim, who knows what kind of info the Department of Defense managed to glean from it.
The current list of technology areas that is used to screen patent applications for possible restriction under the Invention Secrecy Act is not publicly available and has been denied under the Freedom of Information Act. (An appeal is pending.) But a previous list dated 1971 and obtained by researcher Michael Ravnitzky is available here pdf. Most of the listed technology areas are closely related to military applications. But some of them range more widely.
In 1971, under US government secrecy orders on page 14 solar pholtaic cell technology is subject to review and possible restriction if patents for solar photovoltaic generators were more than 20% efficient. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies “in excess of 70-80%.” The world has since improved solar panel efficiency to 25%… And some scientists from the land down under have come up with solar panels that up to 46% efficient. Who knows how much faster we’d have gotten there if the US government did not try so hard to keep quite so many secrets to itself, or how much slower if it had been American scientists filing those patents. For over 12 years, the Ford Motor Company has sold in Europe the Ford Focus that gets 80 mpg. It’s not authorized here in the United States. It’s not the only manufacturer that sells much higher mpg vehicles in Europe. Yet, there are more technologies in the field of energy that the public at large will ever be allowed to use personally. The world plan appears to be Klaus Schwabb’s view of it. You will own nothing and be happy.
Regarding suppressed technologies, the question needing to be asked is if disclosure of such technologies could really be “detrimental to the national security,” or whether the opposite would be closer to the truth? I suspect the latter. This question would then lead us to the next logical question of what comparable advances in technology may be subject to restriction and non-disclosure today? No answers have been forthcoming, and the invention secrecy system persists with no discernible external review.
Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, secrecy orders may be imposed on patent applications when a government agency finds that granting the patent and publishing it would be “detrimental” to national security.
The U.S. Patent office is a place to which ongoing corruption occurs. It appears the Rothschild banking cartel has gained complete control of it. I am not exaggerating this either. I believe that Serco is running that shit show. The USPO outsources the examination of patent applications to outside companies, such as ‘Global Patent Solutions’.
Regarding energy efficiency, I think a sudden change to the economy of energy usage was determined to be a national security risk and now things that threaten that are suppressed/stopped.
Kind of ties in with how hard the government tries to control the signal but has likely concluded that they have lost control and everything will be revealed and they are screwed.
great post op...- thanks
Glad this was pointed out. I can't understand how people are like: the government has our best interest in mind! And then turn around and be like, did you know the U.S. military is 50-100 years ahead with technology?
If that's the case why don't they use it to help society? To help we the people? They horde all tech break throughs and you get stuck with a shitty falling apart infrastructure and society
Ever see the movie 'Elysium'? This is in the direction I believe they have in mind. However, I believe it is reestablishing a modern pharaoh system with a ruling political class. It's quite obvious to me, they see themselves as gods.... Who in their right mind would say such things as Klaus Schwabb and Bill Gates? The audacity of their statements are repugnant and yet the political class is acting out on their agenda. The Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 white paper provides us a horrifying insight to their mindset of playing god with humanity. "You will own nothing and be happy" reminds me of Elysium and the advanced technology they possess and keep for themselves.
or they refuse to accept it the first time, like the Swiss patent authorities did in my case with secure email in 2006. I would have to take a pantent lawyer, which did not, it would havembeen to expensive for me. Ten years later the big techs had it kind of implemented also. So my second invention stays still inmy head, maybe I publish it, so nobody can patent it forever.
I'm glad you made this point about the patent office rejecting patent applications. There's no doubt this occurs repeatedly. Also, consider those already knowing patent offices are controlled and corrupt, so these inventors avoid the patent office so their invention is not slapped with a secrecy order. There is a good network of inventors.... and they are well informed on the plight of other inventors. It is plausible to believe that the number of hidden inventions are many times higher than those slapped with secrecy orders per year. Many people attempt to categorize anyone promoting an invention typically in the energy field that doesn't have a patent as a conspiracy theory and a hoax. It's remarkably effective. If it doesn't have a patent number, than the public doesn't believe it is credible. If the public knew how corrupt the patent offices were, maybe their view wouldn't believe society runs on the best technology provided.
There is no knowledge that is a detriment to national security unless it is specifically a weapon that we can use against our foes, or a defense that we can use to protect the people.
Cures for disease? Not a weapon. Energy efficiency improvements? Not a weapon. New glass that lets you shit while it hovers in front of you without you having to dirty it after wiping so you can watch the Puppy Bowl while on the toilet and be killed with cuteness? Not a weapon.
I agree. The meaning of national security' is ambiguous and can mean anything. It categorically is ambiguous like the declared 'war on terrorism'. The root word 'terror' is a psychological state; an emotion similar to 'fear' and 'anger'. Terrorism is a mechanism whether real or not, causing 'terror' in an individual or individuals. In domestic abuse statutes 'terroristic threats', which legally means to threaten, directly or indirectly or otherwise cause serious public inconvenience, or in a reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. A “fear” crime is completely ambiguous and extremely difficult to be vindicated of. It is estimated that 66% of all domestic abuse charges are false.1 A 'threat' can already be classified a crime under 'assault' statutes, but here you have 'terroristic' added to the law. I believe the introduction of this to the code in the early 1990s for domestic abuse was in preparation for expanding this to the general public later on. And we find the template for this in the 1998 Policy for a New American Century (PNAC) calling for a "new Pearl Harbor" event to trigger the perpetual war on 'terrorism'. Three years later this 'new Pearl Harbor' event was realized and the fictional war on terror was implemented and now being used against American Christians and Constitutional-abiding Americans.
In 2019, a new war was declared, which was outlined by Event 201 and previous think tanks. The war against a virus is as fictitious as the war on terrorism. Both would have us believe there is a terrorist and a virus under every American bed. We are being herded in the direction of an Elysium type world. The modern day pharaohs possess the advanced technologies, while they increasingly showing us we will own nothing and be happy.
You happen to be wrong. I had an invention "disappeared" on security grounds, not even to be patented. All records of it were surrendered. Anyone I had discussed it with had a chat with our Security people. It had specific military application, but was not a weapon. So, don't be so doctrinaire about what is or is not detrimental to national security.
Biggest patent is on free energy harvesting inventions. Expose it at the root of the very issue.