Anyone ever watch a movie called Knowing? With Nicholas Cage?
I watched it this evening.
I am NOT a prophet. But as I watched the movie's ending I thought to myself -
Perhaps this is where this world is headed.
I know most of you hold tightly to the Patriots are in Control, but it begs the question. "In Control of What?"
The DS will, in my opinion, literally destroy everything world wide to keep from facing justice. And GOD being our Savior, may save those of us who have held strong to our belief and love of HIM by simply ending our lives such as the movie depicted and I am okay with that.
We keep hearing the word biblical and the words Nothing can stop what is coming and the end will not be for everyone.
Add to that the story we heard about the looking glass that always ended at the same point in time - so much so that "they" decided to stop using it. Perhaps that "end in time" is the end of time as we know it.
I had an incident last week where I thought I was going to die. I told my husband that something was wrong with me, but I didn't know what it was. And I told him I felt as if I was not long for this world.
I started having trouble breathing so I put the Oxygen meter on my finger and it immediately started beeping an alarm. When I looked at it it said my oxygen was at 92 and my BPM was 23. I poured Holy Water on my chest and pasted a capsaicin patch over my heart. And I prayed. My BPM started to climb as did my Oxygen level. Within 10 minutes my Oxygen was back up to 97 and my BPM was 100 but the feeling of "the end" has not gone away.
Whether the end for me will be health or global, I am not a prophet, so I cannot say.
I trust in GOD explicitly, but when I go back and read many of the Q posts in a different light...not that as "we will get our Country back and Trump will reverse all the evil done by the Democrats" but in a more Christian/religious light. Perhaps Q has been telling us that it truly is the end times and we must now make it right with GOD. Perhaps it is truly time for us to focus on JESUS AND NOT THE STORM!
God Bless you All, my wonderful friends.
There will be a "Deus ex Machina" A reversal of fortune, just as happened to the Israelites crossing the Red Sea lead by Moses. They saw Phaorahs army bearing down on them to kill them all but God took a hand are turned it all around.
My prophets have said this will be what will happen, Julie Green and the late Kim Clement for two. DJT has said it will be an exceptionally close run thing which will all come down to as simple as the turn of a card.
Yes that movie's ending was a serious surprise to me. Very good movie, I would love to watch it again. And this ending IS coming - have you ever watched SuspiciousObservers on YouTube? He explains this 12000 year cycle and we're in it.
He's dead right: They WILL "burn it all down" rather than face justice.
The question is: are the White Hats, and "we the people", ready, willing, and ABLE to stop them before that happens?
Just repeating "NCSWIC" and "Patriots are in control" doesn't change the fact that we've already suffered death and destruction on a biblical scale; it doesn't bring the (recently estimated) 13 million global dead from the jab back to life; it doesn't reverse this week's poisoning of a fair percentage of America's prime farmland, it doesn't fix ANYTHING.
This is war -- the most epic in history, and the enemy has been planning and setting things up for the end-game for many decades (for centuries, some would say), so of course we're taking damage and casualties. But we're only human, so we can't help but ask:
Will the Cabal be stopped and brought down while there's anything left to save?
And if so, how much death and destruction is yet to happen before the final victory?
This is also my concern.
If the patriots are in control they're certainly allowing a considerable amount of collateral damage to happen considering they "have it all" and have done for a while now.
Positive things ARE happening but is it fast enough?
IF open, overt ww3 was to start, there would be no stopping it imo.
We would all be drafted and in all likelihood dead very soon after that.
Or you know, people could grow a backbone, not comply with the draft and drag these traitorous Satan worshippers from the halls of power and make an example of them that will be permanently seared into the minds of all ne'er-do-wells everywhere.
I'd absolutely love to see them try to pull off a draft in today's society. I highly doubt many people would willingly go along with being shipped off to Ukraine/Taiwan to fight and die in a grand Satanic sacrificial ritual. Lefties won't because they're all soy and are complete pussies and MAGA would refuse on principal.
They never really had total control of the planet. And I think they're about to find out who really controls things. You know the old military saying about arranging a meeting between them and their maker? The one they continue to deny. It's not them and it's not us that is really in control here. It's much, much bigger than us. It's not even WW3 that is the ultimate reality. This is war on a cosmic scale. This is the same old good vs. evil spiritual battle that's been around longer than humankind. And the side of darkness is running out of time.
Anyone ever watch a movie called Knowing? With Nicholas Cage? I watched it this evening.
I am NOT a prophet. But as I watched the movie's ending I thought to myself - Perhaps this is where this world is headed.
I know most of you hold tightly to the Patriots are in Control, but it begs the question. "In Control of What?"
The DS will, in my opinion, literally destroy everything world wide to keep from facing justice. And GOD being our Savior, may save those of us who have held strong to our belief and love of HIM by simply ending our lives such as the movie depicted and I am okay with that.
We keep hearing the word biblical and the words Nothing can stop what is coming and the end will not be for everyone.
Add to that the story we heard about the looking glass that always ended at the same point in time - so much so that "they" decided to stop using it. Perhaps that "end in time" is the end of time as we know it.
I had an incident last week where I thought I was going to die. I told my husband that something was wrong with me, but I didn't know what it was. And I told him I felt as if I was not long for this world.
I started having trouble breathing so I put the Oxygen meter on my finger and it immediately started beeping an alarm. When I looked at it it said my oxygen was at 92 and my BPM was 23. I poured Holy Water on my chest and pasted a capsaicin patch over my heart. And I prayed. My BPM started to climb as did my Oxygen level. Within 10 minutes my Oxygen was back up to 97 and my BPM was 100 but the feeling of "the end" has not gone away.
Whether the end for me will be health or global, I am not a prophet, so I cannot say.
I trust in GOD explicitly, but when I go back and read many of the Q posts in a different light...not that as "we will get our Country back and Trump will reverse all the evil done by the Democrats" but in a more Christian/religious light. Perhaps Q has been telling us that it truly is the end times and we must now make it right with GOD. Perhaps it is truly time for us to focus on JESUS AND NOT THE STORM! 🙏 God Bless you All, my wonderful friends.
I will pray for you that all these symptoms you are experiencing disappear immediately and you experience peace and health in great proportions.
Thank you so very much!
Yes, it is the time to turn our sight onto God.
There will be a "Deus ex Machina" A reversal of fortune, just as happened to the Israelites crossing the Red Sea lead by Moses. They saw Phaorahs army bearing down on them to kill them all but God took a hand are turned it all around.
My prophets have said this will be what will happen, Julie Green and the late Kim Clement for two. DJT has said it will be an exceptionally close run thing which will all come down to as simple as the turn of a card.
Do not let fear consume you Frens, have faith.
Yes that movie's ending was a serious surprise to me. Very good movie, I would love to watch it again. And this ending IS coming - have you ever watched SuspiciousObservers on YouTube? He explains this 12000 year cycle and we're in it.
He's dead right: They WILL "burn it all down" rather than face justice.
The question is: are the White Hats, and "we the people", ready, willing, and ABLE to stop them before that happens?
Just repeating "NCSWIC" and "Patriots are in control" doesn't change the fact that we've already suffered death and destruction on a biblical scale; it doesn't bring the (recently estimated) 13 million global dead from the jab back to life; it doesn't reverse this week's poisoning of a fair percentage of America's prime farmland, it doesn't fix ANYTHING.
This is war -- the most epic in history, and the enemy has been planning and setting things up for the end-game for many decades (for centuries, some would say), so of course we're taking damage and casualties. But we're only human, so we can't help but ask:
Will the Cabal be stopped and brought down while there's anything left to save?
And if so, how much death and destruction is yet to happen before the final victory?
This is also my concern. If the patriots are in control they're certainly allowing a considerable amount of collateral damage to happen considering they "have it all" and have done for a while now.
Positive things ARE happening but is it fast enough? IF open, overt ww3 was to start, there would be no stopping it imo. We would all be drafted and in all likelihood dead very soon after that.
Or you know, people could grow a backbone, not comply with the draft and drag these traitorous Satan worshippers from the halls of power and make an example of them that will be permanently seared into the minds of all ne'er-do-wells everywhere.
I'd absolutely love to see them try to pull off a draft in today's society. I highly doubt many people would willingly go along with being shipped off to Ukraine/Taiwan to fight and die in a grand Satanic sacrificial ritual. Lefties won't because they're all soy and are complete pussies and MAGA would refuse on principal.
Can you even imagine a draft of today's young adults? "Where's my Starbucks?? WHY ARE YOU CUTTING OFF ALL MY PINK HAIR??" What a jolt for them.
Not a chance!
Patriots Are Now In Control
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!
is coming to the Cabalists and Deep Staters
Interesting observation
🇺🇸 My sentiments, exactly. 🇺🇸
Of what, exactly?
They will try sure, but I think they lost control of the planet. What we see now is just a disclosure project for the normies.
They never really had total control of the planet. And I think they're about to find out who really controls things. You know the old military saying about arranging a meeting between them and their maker? The one they continue to deny. It's not them and it's not us that is really in control here. It's much, much bigger than us. It's not even WW3 that is the ultimate reality. This is war on a cosmic scale. This is the same old good vs. evil spiritual battle that's been around longer than humankind. And the side of darkness is running out of time.
"Any evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground in order to rule over the ashes."
LOL as if that's even a thing
WTF does it even mean to "prepare" for all of human civilization to be destroyed
Who in their right mind would want to inhabit the smoldering garbage pit known as Earth at that point