379 A one hour time-lapse of people dumping Project Veritas after they ousted JamesOKeefe (twitter.com) 🤡 Project Abandon Veritas 🤡 posted 2 years ago by Emyrylde 2 years ago by Emyrylde +382 / -3 86 comments share 86 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Imagine being a potential (or past) whistleblower and having given all your information to PV ... then PV goes woke.
Alot of whistleblowers probably not sleeping well.
My thoughts exactly
Pray for this whistle blowers frens.
Actually that is a very scary thought, all those people who listened and "Were brave, did something" are now "Hung out to dry, fucked" because the Wokestapo are going to get all their info and all their IDs.
Fuck, that is really, really disturbing.
Wonder what it'll be branded, muckraker media?