How Much Money Do Pediatricians Really Make From Vaccines?
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Blue Cross Blue Shield’s Physician Incentive Program available online, Wellness & Equality learned that insurance companies pay pediatricians massive bonuses based on the percentage of children who are fully vaccinated by age 2.
The way to subvert that is to hammer BCBS with stories and suits of vaccine injury, because they are offering this incentive based on the conventional wisdom (created by pharmaceutical research) that vaccines reduce disease and hospitalization cost. If it can be shown that vaccines are actually increasing payouts from BCBS, it will be like the life insurance industry noticing the the all-cause mortality increase. Big Pharma won't be able to bribe them enough to put up with it.
If they don’t like it as optional, perhaps, they wouldn’t like to be regulated. These are the reasons they get laws they don’t like. I can see a new law coming that say’s physicians cannot refuse any patient that doesn’t want a vaccine. Congress take note and look into this! Please.
GREAT post u/undine53/
This is critical info that the mass population (awake or asleep) MUST see. Vaccines no longer have ANYTHING to do with eradicating diseases. It's all money. The medical community has sold out and is 100% compromised.
While this post covers "regular" vaccinations for kids, I wonder how much they were paid off to inject the CV vaxxx.
This is sicken. We're running out of people we can truly trust.
Minor correction...Vaccines NEVER had anything to do with eradicating disease. The medical community was overtaken in the early 1900's and they have never had an interest in health or wellness...but lately they have shown what has always been true...they worship the almighty dollar above anything else...
This prompts the question...what is a life worth????????
Whatever they can squeeze out of it.
Nothing to these (((demons))). :(
The question is..if Blue cross/Blue Shield is paying out these incentives to doctors....WHO'S PAYING THEM to give out this money? Cuz you know they're not just giving this money out of the goodness of their hearts. Soros? Blackrock? Vanguard?
Who pays health insurance premiums? The people
Yeah, but there's absolutely zero reason for the insurance company to pay out money they don't really have to. Pumping your patient full of drugs doesn't help the insurance actually hurts them because these drugs are so bad for people's health. Someone is paying them to do this so it doesn't look like Soros/Vanguard,etc is incentivizing this directly.
I totally agree with you--it's all a huge scam and a dangerous one, at that. My point was that the people pay for literally everything. You are questioning who is orchestrating this horror....good question.
...still trusting the [ medical / pharma ] cabal ?
Wait until you learn how physicians' prescribing habits are "guided" Prescribe off formulary drugs? No bonus for you!! Too many? = no JOB for you
In the UK doctors did not get paid until 80% of the people registered with them got the rona vax. Despicable.
Doctors have given up their autonomy willingly, because the business side of medicine is hard- big hospital system cones by and sez-- come work for US! Way for billing, admin, etc- you just be a doctor!!! ****but we will tell you HOW to doctor
IDK about pediatricians. I have a friend who is in Family Medicine and he tells me that administration of vaccines in his office is at best a break-even financial proposition and he has thusly decided not to administer immunizations in his clinic any longer.
Money is truly the root of ALL EVIL.
Many pediatricians require you to sign a form stating your child(ren) will get all vaccines on schedule or they will not treat the child any longer before the accept your child into their practice
No pressure...
Not only are they compensated, but apparently doctors have quotas for the number of vaccines and prescriptions they have to give. A very leftie doctor friend of my sister's is apparently looking for a new profession, because she can't handle the pressure from meeting her ever-increasing quotas, and is starting to wake up to the fact that that's all she knows how to do...write prescriptions and give shots, even if it's not in the patient's best interest. It's sad, yet hilarious to me, because this particular person posted so much disgusting pro-Covid vaccine crap on facebook that it made me want to vomit, and it seems like maybe she just did that to convince people to get shot so she could meet her quotas. That image is on page 15. Such evil............I knew this years ago but it's very good that it's coming out more.