He is such an idiot. I really really feel sorry for the kid he stole through adoption. They should of circled him and turned their back on him in disgust
I think the Hard Hat is the name of the Monkey Pox club that Pete went to the night before for "guys night."
He knew he had to work the next day but was partying the entire night and was tired. After last call he headed over to where his attention should have been..Palestine Ohio, but he was hella tired and left early.
He is such an idiot. I really really feel sorry for the kid he stole through adoption. They should of circled him and turned their back on him in disgust
Do I understand he showed up early in AM to avoid the citizens who live there. I suppose he was afraid they'd throw contaminated water on him.
That’s like wearing a hospital wrist band to an adoption. Or camo gear to a veterans grave.
Reeeeee!! Orange man beat me to it.
That's his headboard hat. Takes it everywhere with him.
burst into an inferno???? they lit that crap on fire!
Running cover for him
Too late: Trump alread was there, Buttholegieg!
His experience: mayor of little South Bend, IN, and what he lets up his bottom. Sheesh.
A hard hat? Why? What's he protecting?
And a suit.....
Did he buy them lunch at McDonald's.
They found the guy who had the Biden sign yesterday and parade him around talking to Pete. Deep in serious conversation. omg!!!
I think the Hard Hat is the name of the Monkey Pox club that Pete went to the night before for "guys night." He knew he had to work the next day but was partying the entire night and was tired. After last call he headed over to where his attention should have been..Palestine Ohio, but he was hella tired and left early.
That's a little boy, looking very lost.
Globalhomos love doing this: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2013/11/dukakis-and-the-tank-099119/