I have cut in half of what I was taken for cholesterol and blood pressure...BUT I don't have "morning" brain like I used to and I sleep a hell-of-lot better!!!
Doctor I see doesn't believe what the AMA/CDC and the pharma cos...put out!!!
Here’s a tip: Fast and only eat/drink milk and honey for a few days. I did it for three days, lost a lot of weight but felt incredible. My whole body was buzzing the entire time. No cloudiness when waking up, and no stomach growling from hunger.
The other people not to trust are the Insurance companies. The doctors and hospitals wouldn't get so much money if the insurance companies were not involved.
And separately, Physicians employed by health systems must prescribe off of a formulary-- approved by admin drugs. They can preacribe off- formulary, but will be "dinged", too many dings and they don't receive performance "bonuses"
No one has talked about the insurance companies being evil yet. We talked about government, Federal Reserve, pharmaceuticals, hospital systems. Add one now, insurance company.
Oh this one goes deep-- the 3 largest lobbying groups: Pharma, Insurance, Lawyers-- the complete circle
Malpractice premiums are part of the shit show too
You are witnessing the same thing I am seeing on Medicare bill. I can tell you the same meds you buy here for 27 a pill is 2 in another country. Seen that many times.
In their own time... A few posts lately mention that like popcorn people are popping, maybe bad analogy but I see the cartoonish lightbulb but picture the final boss scene in Kingsmen.
You know… You can get in a lot of trouble for not disclosing you will make $1 on an affiliate link for random product you review on YouTube or whatever.
But doctors, who are actively being hired to give medical recommendations… Can get kickbacks for the products they recommend without disclosing that?
INSURANCE companies paying doctors is really bullshit. Because you have to ask...WHY??? There's zero reason for an insurance company to put out more money than they have to. These insurance companies, I bet, are getting this money from other companies..which are subsidiaries..of subsidiaries..until you follow the money up to Soros and other depopulation clowns.
They can't simply have a Soros company pay doctors for jabbing people..that would look too suspicious...so they hide the money by filtering it down. When some insurance company is paying a doctor to "save" people with vaccines?? Doesn't seem so bad this way, right? Follow the money...and I mean ALL THE WAY UP!
I'm senior, but don't get any shots at all. My doctor knows better than to mention shots to me. The nurses ask sometimes if I've had a shot, and I just say no. I did have a specialist doctor go on a rant about why didn't I get a shot. So I just quit going there.
Do not reward ("pay") anyone to be rude to you, to disrespect you, or to harm or kill you. "Vote with your feet" and "hit them where it hurts" by withholding your business/$.
they pushed it on all seniors what you mentioned. Now I want to know how much vets get for pushing rabies, heartworm, bordatella and so on. Someone get me some info please.
It is ridiculous that cost are what they are. I have BCBS and know so many people that do as well. How do we get away from them when you need insurance so badly? One emergency/illness/surgery without insurance would completely break a person and then you lose everything. It really is what the controllers want.
Depending on what states, there are the cooperative. TX and Oregon have cooperatives that will service you without paying an arm/leg plus shoulders. I think we need to start somewhere.
Yes, my area has nothing like that but it would be great to have that everywhere. I know so many people who would be happy. I mean I pay right at $200.00 a paycheck for family coverage through them. It is crazy.
My Daughter's doctor has told her that they will not accept her children unless they keep up on all their vaccines.
My daughter, is still sending her kids to that doctor.
I am of course the crazy person.
I am so sorry. Not everyone will wake up. The end is not for everyone. Just like in the Bible, God talks about people hardening their hearts. It's sad.
This is why I no longer trust the doctor. Baffled? I'm getting off the statins that premusably cause dementia.
They were pushing it on everyone (Oh, your cholesterol and blood pressure is a little high....etc).
Change your diet and exercise habits, it will drop.
Totally agree👆 Statins are a total con job. A good diet is all we need.
Might look into a parasitic detox also. I have been researching this since somebody posted some research on this sight a few days ago.
Meijers in Michigan offers statins free of charge. I am always skeptical of anything they give away for free.
I have cut in half of what I was taken for cholesterol and blood pressure...BUT I don't have "morning" brain like I used to and I sleep a hell-of-lot better!!!
Doctor I see doesn't believe what the AMA/CDC and the pharma cos...put out!!!
Stick with that doc.
Nothing but lies in the western medicine and pharmaceuticals.
Here’s a tip: Fast and only eat/drink milk and honey for a few days. I did it for three days, lost a lot of weight but felt incredible. My whole body was buzzing the entire time. No cloudiness when waking up, and no stomach growling from hunger.
Make sure its whole milk and raw honey.
Yep, my brother already stopped his
The other people not to trust are the Insurance companies. The doctors and hospitals wouldn't get so much money if the insurance companies were not involved.
I would not like to have this on my conscience whilst standing at the pearly gates.
Most doctors have no conscience.
They've been brain washed so far that they think they are doing good. It ain't on their conscious at all.
Me neither.
if and when the shtf you know who are the first in line for suicide weekend.
And separately, Physicians employed by health systems must prescribe off of a formulary-- approved by admin drugs. They can preacribe off- formulary, but will be "dinged", too many dings and they don't receive performance "bonuses"
No one has talked about the insurance companies being evil yet. We talked about government, Federal Reserve, pharmaceuticals, hospital systems. Add one now, insurance company.
Oh this one goes deep-- the 3 largest lobbying groups: Pharma, Insurance, Lawyers-- the complete circle Malpractice premiums are part of the shit show too
I have never connected those dots. Thanks for the info.
I got a hospital bill from a 3 day visit. The bill was $27,000. My insurance company paid $1,200. The bill was paid in full.
Without insurance I would have been charged the full $27,000 Yet with insurance the Insurance company was charged $1,200
In what world does that make sense?
President Trump said he had to plan for everyone's health insurance. He never explained what that plan was. I now know what that plan is.
You are witnessing the same thing I am seeing on Medicare bill. I can tell you the same meds you buy here for 27 a pill is 2 in another country. Seen that many times.
Try $166 a pill for the schizophrenia meds the wife needs.
It's the only thing that works.
Lol I can't tell if your being serious or not. Touche.
That's just the cost to insurance, we pay $1/pill out of pocket
Back in 2003, if you don't have insurance, Losartan was 27 per pill. Now it's more.
Guess what question I’m asking my Doc this week🤣😂🤣
I don't even remember my doc's name.
Is that because of the statins or you haven't been there is a long time? Hope it's the latter.
I just don't go to the doctor. I don't use any prescribed drugs.
I don't have a doctor. I haven't been to one in more than a decade.
Good for you! love to hear it.
I have not seen my primary doctor since 2019.
I seen her last year because I moved and needed to establish a new primary care. That done, I won't see her for probably 5-7 years. No need.
Glad you are too.
I've never had a primary care doctor. Never saw the need.
This is from 2016, I bet that number has significantly increased with all the covid cash being thrown around
So atleast an extra $5000 per 100 clot shots given.
Some people get mad....
Then there's the people that say "Well Duh...."
Some refused to see it. Just talked to friend and family in Oregon. They refused to even hear anything.
In their own time... A few posts lately mention that like popcorn people are popping, maybe bad analogy but I see the cartoonish lightbulb but picture the final boss scene in Kingsmen.
It will happen, when it does
Carry On!!!
Thanks for the encouragement.
Now do the Networks......
Yep, our pediatrician confirmed the vaccinated practice bonus.
Oh mine. Now I know for sure. I am such a skeptical now even these info I sometimes do not believe. Thanks for the confirming.
You know… You can get in a lot of trouble for not disclosing you will make $1 on an affiliate link for random product you review on YouTube or whatever.
But doctors, who are actively being hired to give medical recommendations… Can get kickbacks for the products they recommend without disclosing that?
We live in such a damn clown world.
Exactly. What an inverted world.
INSURANCE companies paying doctors is really bullshit. Because you have to ask...WHY??? There's zero reason for an insurance company to put out more money than they have to. These insurance companies, I bet, are getting this money from other companies..which are subsidiaries..of subsidiaries..until you follow the money up to Soros and other depopulation clowns.
They can't simply have a Soros company pay doctors for jabbing people..that would look too suspicious...so they hide the money by filtering it down. When some insurance company is paying a doctor to "save" people with vaccines?? Doesn't seem so bad this way, right? Follow the money...and I mean ALL THE WAY UP!
You think it's Soros companies? I think it might be Rothschild.
Any one of the two..Soros is probably a lower stooge for the Rothschilds. It's someone for depop that's for sure.
I agree.
Probably not. No comingle.
I am sure it seniors get the flu, shingles, pneumonia, Covid they are also rewarded.
I'm senior, but don't get any shots at all. My doctor knows better than to mention shots to me. The nurses ask sometimes if I've had a shot, and I just say no. I did have a specialist doctor go on a rant about why didn't I get a shot. So I just quit going there.
This is the way.
Do not reward ("pay") anyone to be rude to you, to disrespect you, or to harm or kill you. "Vote with your feet" and "hit them where it hurts" by withholding your business/$.
Amen to that. i do that as a matter of course because you work too hard for your money. I won't reward them.
Good for you.
they pushed it on all seniors what you mentioned. Now I want to know how much vets get for pushing rabies, heartworm, bordatella and so on. Someone get me some info please.
So if I ask the doc to sign a paper saying they have no conflict of interest or to disclose conflicts they’d be cool with that right?
They will kick you away from their office.
It is ridiculous that cost are what they are. I have BCBS and know so many people that do as well. How do we get away from them when you need insurance so badly? One emergency/illness/surgery without insurance would completely break a person and then you lose everything. It really is what the controllers want.
Depending on what states, there are the cooperative. TX and Oregon have cooperatives that will service you without paying an arm/leg plus shoulders. I think we need to start somewhere.
Yes, my area has nothing like that but it would be great to have that everywhere. I know so many people who would be happy. I mean I pay right at $200.00 a paycheck for family coverage through them. It is crazy.
I know it is crazy.
My Daughter's doctor has told her that they will not accept her children unless they keep up on all their vaccines. My daughter, is still sending her kids to that doctor. I am of course the crazy person.
I am so sorry. Not everyone will wake up. The end is not for everyone. Just like in the Bible, God talks about people hardening their hearts. It's sad.
You won't ever understand the thus whole vaccine issue until you have a child, then it all becomes clear....
I don't have children, but I am fighting them on vaccines for my dogs.
Thanks, fren.
Eyes on. This is major.
What’s the bonus for the shingles shot?
Sorry. I do not know.