13 NASA will announce its first moon crew in 50 years NEXT Month..... (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by purkiss80 1 year ago by purkiss80 +13 / -0 16 comments share 16 comments share save hide report block hide replies
What sound stage are they renting to film it and will Spielberg direct it?
I think there might be UFOs so maybe Michael Bay
Good point but don't for the movie Spielberg did, close encounters of the 3rd kind. Guess we shall see soon enough.
They need an asian too.
They better ALL be diversity hires or there's gonna be some REEEEEEEEing!
Megatron looks up hopefully
Special Effects are much better nowadays but still look fake.
Would this be the first ever moon landing?
The comments are based.
I predict the actornaut in orange will make the cut!
Will they just re-use the telemetry tapes like last time? The most important data (evidence) of the moon mission was lost.
They probably taped westerns over them.
I wonder who they will be in their next life...
More pretending that we haven't had anything going on with the moon all this time. "Whatever". Secrets secrets secrets.