When Yellen says she will bail out SVB, where does the money come from? It's printed from thin air at the expense of the Federal Reserve.
Trump added nearly $8 trillion to the debt.
Biden has added more than $3 trillion in debt.
What does all this debt do? Depreciates the currency, increases the price of everything.
How does the Federal Reserve typically reduce inflation? Raise interest rates.
The increased interest rates on our national debt means the people have to pay more taxes to cover the spike.
Do you think the people will tolerate more taxes? We are already paying 30-40% when you add all the taxes together. Biden going to raise the tax rate on everyone?
Trump put our current financial system into hyperdrive to collapse. Why?
Ridding ourselves of the Federal Reserve salvages our financial freedom.
We are at a point where the Federal Reserve is saying "what the hell do we do".
When the Federal Reserve took control of our currency they promised to control spending, maintain a stable economy and hold interest rate to a minimum.
They have currently broken that contract with the people. Their system is now destroyed. Banks are failing, one by one, down she goes.
The globalists think they will roll in a CBDC, the people will never accept it.
The financial collapse will be accompanied with all the evidence from the pandemic, government corruption, FBI corruption, Ghislane Maxwell evidence, Ukraine money laundering, election fraud, etc, etc, etc.
All the people will be saying, fuck this shit!!! Make it stop!!!
In steps the military and I think simultaneously, military's around the world will step up and begin the swamp drain. There is already societies around the planet who have been pushed to the precipice with the Covid vaccine tragedy.
We are closer than ever to a complete collapse of the old system and it is snowballing on magnitudes that can be measured by the day.
Stay safe my frens!!!
Not if you charge China for the virus, wiping out your debt to them.
And that will wipe out what, 3-4T? Out of a nominal 30+T of debt? (Actual is an order of magnitude higher due to hypothecation of everything).
Meanwhile $ status is totally destroyed because not only will the US take your stuff if it doesn't like you (Russia), it also will default on its debt at will.
So complete destruction of the $, inability to buy stuff (sad as it is, china makes stuff, we don't make much, unfortunately) with $, lack of confidence in it leads to outflows, debt default means others call on their debt OR stop buying us debt...this all leads to collapse not just of the Fed (private bankster cartel) but of the actual economy of the country.
At this point the white & black hat plans converge into destruction...
So we are fucked?
For a time, expect chaos. However, if you believe Q that there is a plan, then hopefully that will come into effect and alleviate the turmoil.