I'll probably get banned for this but here it goes. I'm 100% a skeptic. As prior military intel, this entire "operation" has had so many holes in it that it drives me absolutely mad. I think many people here take some of the things to literal or are blatantly wrong.
Now, with that being said, there is no denying many connections. The first arrest will shock the world. We've expected Hillary, Fauci, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer....And we were wrong. It will be Trump. I don't think the military is going to save us. I think WE are the military. I think it is up to the American people. Once the American people stand up, then the military will. Not the other way around.
I say this because think about it this way. The "Q" team is apparently a small elite group, most of which is military. This would mean they would have to be the highest ranking officers to give such an order. On top of that, the people they give the order to would have to be willing to overthrow their government. This is not a small scale operation, it would have to be a large scale operation. And then the entire military would have to back it. It would likely be conducted by elite special forces teams initially but if only a select few are in the know, how would other generals in different branches react to the government being overthrown?
Like I said, I'll probably get banned for "dooming" I'm not dooming, I'm questioning and as former counter intel for the military, I believe these are questions we need to be asking. It is not just up to the military, it is us to be a show of force. WE ARE THE PLAN.
For the millionth time, its First indictment (unseal) will trigger mass pop awakening and First Arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
This moronic doomer can't even get the Q drop right... "as prior military intel" my ass.
Also, just because I had the title worded incorrectly, does not change anything about what I said. What about the post as a whole? Any suggestions or answers?
Okay so then by that logic how is arresting Trump part of "our" plan? How is this verifying action?
I'm correcting the quote, not trying to answer your question. "First arrest will shock the world" is basically the "Beam Me Up Scotty" of the Q movement. It's never been said,
I understand that.. So you are obviously well versed with the Q posts so with that being said...can you help me try to explain the rest of this?
It goes against all tradition to arrest past presidents, if we want to arrest Biden and Obama then Trump has to be arrested first. This being said I'm half a doomer and usually think we're fucked.
I'm done with the "IF"s, I'm ready for the "WHEN" Pede!
Ahh thank you! Where the hell did we get "the first arrest will shock the world."
I've seen that shit over and over again. I could have absolutely sworn I even saw that shit in the Qposts. I've gone through most of them. I feel like the mandela effect is going on hard right now lol!
I've seen it appear in various anon's videos, so whenever I see someone post it, I'll attempt to remind them of the actual drops and their content. It won't stop it from spreading further, but it'll enlighten any anons that may have been misguided by this particular echo chamber symptom.
I'll also clarify by saying that I understand the scope of your post, so my post isn't a reflection of the content of what you've stated.
As to your post, none of us know the true scope of the operation; so much conjecture; and I have some questions myself. I've personally reached the point where there are only two outcomes now, and all I can do is patiently sit back and continue to watch it all play out, all the while contributing what I can as an anon.
Lol dude I've seen it so many times including many stickied posts. This is the first time I've ever seen it corrected.
As a person who watches Q videos and follows posts closely, what are your thoughts and opinions of what my posts questions? This is really something that has been bugging me for a long time and I'm yet to find anyone that can give me an answer on it.
Refer back to my now-edited reply to you for my thoughts.
It's a common mis-quote, and is in fact the mandela effect (a mis-remembering, not a timeline glitch as is believed by some.) It is inaccurate and silly that we always have to correct this. People somehow mix this q post with another that says, "The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD." and in several other places, "Truth will SHOCK the World."
On Tuesday the the Qagg clock will be 9
I thought of Trump being the “first arrest” a couple of years ago, many many others have and say the same belief.
If The White Hats we’re not in control:
Trump would be dead and so would his family. They got to Ivanka as a warning. This goes for other prominent White Hats as well.
Trump’s USSS detail rivals that of a sitting POTUS. Hussein gets two ‘Burbans.
This site would have been shut down long ago along w the Q reflector sites.
The sealed indictments (almost 400k) would have disappeared or been executed against us.
US Space Force would have been dissolved.
Hunter’s laptop would have been memoryholed.
Trump’s 13 combatant commanders would have been relieved of duty, including LTG Flynn’s brother (USAPACOM).
The realignment of SOCOM back under its old chain of command would have occurred.
Trump’s announcing his own pending arrest was turning into the path of the torpedo. It disarmed the DS’ plans to make it a media event (perp walk). The Manhattan DA office doesn’t even want to be part of this save a few zealots in Soros’ pockets.
We The People are part of The Plan. We cannot sit on our asses anymore. As Anons, Q taught us discernment, how to research, how to convert information to intelligence. He gave us a community where we can conduct impromptu analyses of competing hypotheses. As well as employ other analytical techniques to disarm the efforts of the DS. They don’t get away with anything without being exposed almost immediately.
This process started on Reddit with Pizzagate. Then moved to Voat in several forms and finally here in it’s probably final iteration as an information and OSINT intelligence fusion center.
As prior MIL intel, you are aware that OSINT is a powerful weapon and often publicly collected and fused information can be classified.
Accuracy is everything.
Also former intel. Smoke and mirrors. Custodes Vero.
GAW still being active is incredibly undervalued on GAW. I can't share a link on FB to GAW, why? If it's retardation then why ban it? If it's a threat, why can't they shut it down?
The EO'S were in place long ago and are still active. There are many moving parts to Q. The national guard was activated on the morning of 1/20/21 . Many operations have taken place so far. Remember it started with save the children and now we about to take down the big boyz militarily. Trust Trump and trust the plan. God bless you all.
Go on. Say it. “Stand up” how exactly?
Protest where? I was at J6, where do I go now? NYC? Hate the place...but...
I thought it was already confirmed that Maxwell was the first arrest.