Only a former president.. Just throwing my thought out there.. I might have missed where "Donald J. Trump will be in handcuffs on Tuesday 3/21.." was said, but I'm not as talented as most of you here. If there were specifics that I missed, then delete this post. "Stormy" also VERY recently confirmed those things never happened, sooo... I'm not sure wtf is happening, but DJT never said "I'm going to be arrested soon"
Am I reaching..? 😕
Truth Social post yesterday:
Nothing about handcuffs from him, that came from others.
"illegal leaks ... indicate that ... (I, Trump) ... will be arrested on Tuesday"
This is why I love this place.. Minor details like a single word of "handcuffs" can have an enormous effect on those who dream of our guy being arrested. His positive charisma is basically the tears of those wishing for his downfall. Personally, I enjoy a little salt in life.. 😎
True... unfortunately. 🙄
The date was not said. Only 'Tuesday'. Us pedes over here figured out that Tuesday is 3-21 (23), by quickly looking at a calendar.
3/21.. hmm 3..2..1.. Go?
no, you're questioning, which is what we're supposed to do when we discern that something is off. so logically, a former president could be someone else, one that would 'outrage' the public.
And leading republican candidate...
Stormy said what?
I was mistaken about her saying something RECENTLY, but articles of her flat out denying it from 2018/19 are poking through the other BS. Along with having to pay DJT after losing that case. It is weird that it's resurfacing just now after the announcement of someone being arrested soon. The whole scenario just immediately raised my eyebrows.. 🤔
Denying what, fren? the event, the payoff, ???
It wasn't recently, I don't think, but denying that any of those claims even happened. I got too eager after reading seeing the headline of an article from 2018/19.. 😕
Gotcha! Thanks for clarifying!
Who else fits the role of "Far & Away leading Republican Candidate" and "Former President of the United States of America"?
Very true..