It's also in the comms. Black hole at the center of a galaxy refers to the holder of blackmail for a cabal ring/network. This article talks about Durham uncovering a large network using discovery work that began in 2004 during Bush II, and that stemmed from the Reagan administration (40 occurs conspicuously later in the article). Also that it's a cabal network as it occurred over 13 billion years. Quoting "Dr Nightingale" leads me to believe that a whistleblower was instrumental in the discovery.
At least "TwO WeEkS" worth. Come on, you know you want to say it. Kek!
You havent been watching the congressional hearings this past month have you? The evidence (on record) is rapidly growing. Durahms report is due soon (AG Garland commented on this while before congress.) Keep dooming. Should start to taste pretty sour before long....
Oh the timing could be perfect…
It's also in the comms. Black hole at the center of a galaxy refers to the holder of blackmail for a cabal ring/network. This article talks about Durham uncovering a large network using discovery work that began in 2004 during Bush II, and that stemmed from the Reagan administration (40 occurs conspicuously later in the article). Also that it's a cabal network as it occurred over 13 billion years. Quoting "Dr Nightingale" leads me to believe that a whistleblower was instrumental in the discovery.
Not enough paper and ink for all the sternly worded letters to follow?
At least "TwO WeEkS" worth. Come on, you know you want to say it. Kek!
You havent been watching the congressional hearings this past month have you? The evidence (on record) is rapidly growing. Durahms report is due soon (AG Garland commented on this while before congress.) Keep dooming. Should start to taste pretty sour before long....
Zero Indictment!!!!!!!
The question is --- 'Ready for what?'
Well he said relatively soon not very soon. So who knows what that means
Durham was not originally appointed to just 'write a report'.
At all.
Could 5:5 be 5-5-23?
i don't believe anything he says anyway.
We have been told REPEATEDLY that Durham is not going to produce a report.