Ft Hood shooter may face firing squad soon. First military execution since 1961. Are we being primed for more or is DS trying to turn public against these?
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
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I don't need to be primed.
I've been ready to watch it live long time.
Lol -Already willing to pre-purchase the PPV.
Firing squads have proven difficult at Gitmo. No matter how evil and guilty, volunteer soldiers have had trouble looking down the sites and shooting a restrained and unarmed person. They've gone to hanging. It's harder on the guilty but easier on the innocent.
Let a sniper do it- or better yet offer the families of the victim a crack at it.
I’m sure they could find volunteers lol
Watch this video: https://greatawakening.win/p/16amPIsOpi/they-wont-be-able-to-walk-the-st/c/
It’s a woman!
Just allow the vaccinated soldiers to volunteer.
If he’s killed by a woman then he doesn’t get his virgins in nirvana does he?
Sauce on that gitmo part? Here in the United States of America President Donald J Trump on 12/24/2020 authorized, by Executive Order, every single state to use firing squads, hanging, electrocution possible. If one state doesn’t abide, another one will carry it out!
I think there’d be plenty of volunteers to shoot these sick fucks
I will volunteer to shoot these POS every time
isn't this why the good Lord invented wood chippers?
No problem for me to tie the noose around Hillary's neck, nor pull the lever to release the trap door. I just hope her execution will be televised on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and CNN during primetime viewing hours. If we can force our children to watch trannies during library story time, then watching a traitor to our country face her well deserved fate should not turn the stomachs of lefties.
Honestly don’t see how Mjr Hassan’s exec would turn people off to executions. He randomly murdered fellow soldiers for Islam.
coat the bullets in bacon grease
Hang, but hand the drop door switch to the shooter. Tell them press once to arm, a second to drop. But, have it drop on the first button press
Tie him to a remote control target boat and open up on him with a phalanx gun system. Sharks gotta eat too.
Shot to kill this POS and televise it for all to see! Public needs to see this and understand retribution for violating laws especially killing others
Already got my pop corn ready My dear 90 year old Dad keeps saying to me 'When are we going to see these bastards on the end of a rope' hahah He's ex Royal Artillery so would shoot them from 25 miles a way.