So the steps can be these:
RFK is running as with a promise to hold covid scammers accountable.
Trump takes care about the optics and doesn’t allow the media to make him look “crazy” so he can’t rise certain topics.
Both gain in polls.
Topics being raised by RFK gain more traction thanks to the race and his name in the media.
Declass happens and it becomes clear to everyone why covid was so convenient for Dems and how it was used to manipulate 2020 elections. It also becomes well known how hospitals have been killing patients.
At that point Trump doesn’t need to worry about the optics anymore as certain things became facts.
RFK decides not to compete against Trump anymore and endorses Trump, who collects all votes, including from Dem sympathisers who realise the level of scam around covid.
Trump wins and delivers all promises, including those made by RFK.
I read RFK's book and I don't understand why he is a democrat. Maybe he wants to do to the democrat party what Trump did for the Republican party.
He comes from the generations of very strong, regional-political alignments. New England, and MA in particular, are stubbornly Democrat insofar as they hold on to the stories of struggles and victories of their parents and grandparents when notables in the Democrat party did earnestly fight on behalf of the working class. And when the likes of FDR and JFK tried to navigate that sweet spot of funding social safety nets while also heavily investing in and promoting American industry, and massive public works projects. And that brief period of time in the early to mid 20th century when unions really did matter, etc. And the more senible aspects of the past civil rights movement, environment, etc. That's more or less the heritage RFK holds to with the (D). I don't see him ever leaving that for the (R) based on a single,albeit critical, issue.
Lost me when you compared FDR favorably to JFK.
That makes sense but if I was him I'd start calling the deepstate dems (which is nearly all of them) by some kind of name similar to Trump calling out RINOs. I've heard the term "corporate democrat" but that's not as catchy as RINO.
Dino’s. Democrat in name only.
Actually they are mostly Socialists and Racists. JFK and RFK and RFK jr are Democrats.
His dad and uncle would be classified as alt right or ultra right
Same game they play. Control both sides. Doesn't matter who wins you'll get the same thing.
“Let’s be honest. The NRA is as responsible for the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas child murders as if they pulled the trigger. The NRA has turned the 2nd Amendment into a suicide pact for our children. When do we deal with the NRA?” — RFK Jr., 2018..
Seriously now.. Does that sound like someone who believes in the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution?.. And NO.. Kennedy has NOT modified his opinion regarding the private ownership of firearms, nor the culpability of those who would defend the 2nd Amendment.
That's why I understand RFK Jr. as a democrat.