Usually by "unemployed" and small donations, Several donations in the same day. Many on the same day each month. It's a scam and laundering scheme. ActBlue that is.
I just checked my name. I really did donate to Bernie Sanders a couple of times in 2016. It has my same donations showing up three times each, and I know they are over counting the funds received because the YTD totals keep going up with each of the "extra" donations.
Also, the YTD numbers don't match themselves. For example, one $92 donation dated 04-20-2016 says YTD $355, the next one listed says $92 donation dated 04-20-2016 YTD $505. Where did that extra $58 come from? By subtracting the real donations I made from the YTD numbers, I documented that they have me reported as donating $371 more than I actually did.
So someone donated that $371- and didn't want their name or organization tracked. TY for noting this. Just shows how crooked the whole system is in black and white and easily verifiable.
Just used it. Interesting. I noticed there are ALOT of contributions for that ACT Blue agency. That in itself is rather telling.
Usually by "unemployed" and small donations, Several donations in the same day. Many on the same day each month. It's a scam and laundering scheme. ActBlue that is.
I just checked my name. I really did donate to Bernie Sanders a couple of times in 2016. It has my same donations showing up three times each, and I know they are over counting the funds received because the YTD totals keep going up with each of the "extra" donations.
Also, the YTD numbers don't match themselves. For example, one $92 donation dated 04-20-2016 says YTD $355, the next one listed says $92 donation dated 04-20-2016 YTD $505. Where did that extra $58 come from? By subtracting the real donations I made from the YTD numbers, I documented that they have me reported as donating $371 more than I actually did.
So someone donated that $371- and didn't want their name or organization tracked. TY for noting this. Just shows how crooked the whole system is in black and white and easily verifiable.
Make sure to take that off your taxes! u/#kek
Proof that it's all a CIA psyop. There are no "true" elections.