And, just so we are clear, committing violence against a person, which I am defining as a physical assault and not just giving someone the stink eye, should be prosecuted as well.
Killing is never okay, unless it is eliminating the Deep State, evil, cabal. This is what happens when we become a tolerant society towards gays and trans: give an inch and they take a mile. They infiltrate or schools, indoctrinate our children to think this is normal. They infiltrate all aspects of society: sports, business, government and you better tolerate them and bend a knee to them or they will destroy.
So it’s not our job for us decide or agree that violence against tranny’s is a hate crime? Ok, good talk. These people are stupid.
But its a hatecrime when I leave upper-deckers in my local synagogue's restrooms... 🙄
This country is in the toilet
Are you kidding me?
This goes to show a chain of command. If they are not deciding then who is?
There is no such thing as a hate crime.
Killing children is M U R D E R.
The murderer needs to be prosecuted.
And, just so we are clear, committing violence against a person, which I am defining as a physical assault and not just giving someone the stink eye, should be prosecuted as well.
Good, this kind of PR damage gets them closer to the gallows.
Killing is never okay, unless it is eliminating the Deep State, evil, cabal. This is what happens when we become a tolerant society towards gays and trans: give an inch and they take a mile. They infiltrate or schools, indoctrinate our children to think this is normal. They infiltrate all aspects of society: sports, business, government and you better tolerate them and bend a knee to them or they will destroy.
on the top line the 666 comments are highlighted in yellow!
Yes, that is the coincidence I was commenting on. Everybody else just read the headline and blasted away.
Very nice find, fren.
There's no such thing as a hate crime
What publication was this in?
You dont kill people you like. All murder is a hate crime.