posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +180 / -1

We celebrated Easter yesterday. The day Christ rose from the dead. It's a day many of us walk around in awe and joy at just the thought of all he did for us on that cross, and what he overcame and took for us, when we didn't truly deserve it. To many it is considered a holy day. A day of remembrance, a day we step into Christ's love and celebrate. I'm here to challenge that idea. Yes it's the most important day to our faith. However truly that day made it possible for every day to now be holy. Rather then wait till next year to remember and celebrate. Let's carry that and start something new. Each day is holy for Christ is with us and the presence of God makes all it touches holy. Lets live our time going forward as if he is risen, he is with us. That gentle voice guiding our ways. The narrow path that leads to everlasting life. If u have truly accepted that and repented from your sins. Then he is with you. Don't let the world tell you anything different. Don't let the world tell you when u can celebrate the Risen Christ. For truly Easter day was a shift in the world in a way that changed the very direction of what is possible for us. Many of us here believe there is a plan In place. That Q is something special and that God is working. I will take that even further and say that Christ is what animates Q. The 10 people that know the full plan received it from Christ and have been hard at work playing their parts. Yet we all have parts. Only when u accept that Christ is truly with you, moment by moment. Guiding you, loving you, taking all your pains sorrows and sins. Ask him to help you better hear his voice and what role you can play in this plan. It's easy to think oh who am I, I'm only 1 person, I'm not good enough, why me. I encourage you to stop those ways of thinking. Ask not not you. Cause truly it's not about you. Many of the biblical people struggled with this same thought. Moses said but Lord I can't do that I stutter and am not good with speaking. God basically said it's not about u rather it's WHO I AM! Powerful stuff. Don't short the power of God. Keep turning to him day by day and dream and hope and pray BIG. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. I am here if anyone needs a fren to talk to or needs prayer