Awake Yet...?
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I'm a child of the 60's, I remember my Weekly Reader pushing the ice age then it moved on to acid rain 🤯
Yup me too. And that we would all have to wear gas masks because of the pollution.
I'm just a smidge younger, but remember the same. Add to that the earthquake and fault line fears we down here in Texas were told.
When the "Population Bomb" came out in 1969 they had another layer of fear to add to the mix. And then they seamlessly segued into global warming, acid rain, ozone holes etc. its been non stop fear mongering since I was born.
“That just means that we solved each problem before anyone noticed, it’s almost like higher taxes and regulations works!” — Some triple vaxxed idiot on Reddit, probably
Co2 = .054%
Another one of those pesky numbers.
Percentage of carbon dioxide in an atmosphere of many gasses.
How much of that could mankind produce?
Grain of sand on a world full of beaches.
"The Great Global Warming Swindle"
The whole thing is a fraud, and it's easy to show.
CO2 concentration is historically low for the planet. Plants do much better with more and will need less water. There will be more life on Earth as a result. Big mouth Bozos are making up stories in order to gain control.
Time for a tax Revolution - throw the fucking tea in the harbor!
Oi Moite, leave our tea alone!
forgot the "killer bees"
Fear porn from the MSM.
Maurice Strong.
See? Taxes work!
Green regulations and the Arab Oil Embargo was planned and coordinated to destroy the automotive industry starting in the seventies. I suspect the Japanese were in on it as well. I certainly believe they had a hand in destroying our electronics industry beyond what natural competition would allow them to.