Hoodie bomber at DNC is just gone like bin laden. Nobody interested. When trump takes the steering wheel back, he should give hoodie a quicktrial and dump the body in the ocean within 30 minutes. No photos or dna, just dump a body and tell them to prove it wasn't the bomber.
When you pick and choose your subjects sure, but they're also not investigating lizard people, not reporting on flat earth, and not talking about the tooth fairy.
The meme is correct, but it needs to be better organized. I'll demonstrate, but it also needs centering.
If the FBI won't investigate it:
They're in on it.
If the media won't report it:
They're in on it.
If Congress won't talk about it:
They're in on it.
Now you know what's going on.
Here's one that just happened to fall out of gimp:
Thanks. I was on my phone late at night when I typed the above comment.
Also, I've honestly never heard of Gimp before. In this context, anyway.
It's A GNU/Linux thing but there are Windows and Mac versions.
GNU Image Manipulation Program
Free Photoshop -- perhaps not as sleek but very capable.
“The CIA has investigated itself and have found no evidence of wrongdoing” -CIA official
Good luck! 😀
Hoodie bomber at DNC is just gone like bin laden. Nobody interested. When trump takes the steering wheel back, he should give hoodie a quicktrial and dump the body in the ocean within 30 minutes. No photos or dna, just dump a body and tell them to prove it wasn't the bomber.
I love this meme!
Here it is, again :)) :
The “Soros is off limits” moment…
When you pick and choose your subjects sure, but they're also not investigating lizard people, not reporting on flat earth, and not talking about the tooth fairy.
Crimes should not be off limits for any organization that claims to be “press”