I was watching a rerun of an old Hoarders episode where everyone was wearing a mask and it was disgusting how many times people touched or fiddled with their mask on film.
My mom's place of work finally, finally, after 3 years of this nonsense said that all workers and customers didn't have to wear masks inside their business.
My mom was lucky and got a religious exemption from the jab, but 99% of her co-workers got it. And now the masks are finally gone. She held out and held on and her patience paid off.
(My mom works at a hospital by the way, and to be honest I thought for sure they would never revoke the mask mandate, ever.)
The first 100 science papers in this list tell us that masks are not effective and the final 50 papers point out that masks can be dangerous.
Breaking: information that science knew from the 1918 pandemic suppressed by the American media.
Read that article, they are trying to pin the rise in stillbirths on masks and not the vaccine. Absolute bait and switch
I was watching a rerun of an old Hoarders episode where everyone was wearing a mask and it was disgusting how many times people touched or fiddled with their mask on film.
Studies 50 years ago said the same exact thing.
Studies 100 years ago said the same thing
Yet idiots are still wearing them.
Lol cognitive decline. ….
People still wearing the mask never had any cognition to speak of
My mom's place of work finally, finally, after 3 years of this nonsense said that all workers and customers didn't have to wear masks inside their business.
My mom was lucky and got a religious exemption from the jab, but 99% of her co-workers got it. And now the masks are finally gone. She held out and held on and her patience paid off.
(My mom works at a hospital by the way, and to be honest I thought for sure they would never revoke the mask mandate, ever.)