Thread by @WarClandestine on Thread Reader App
@WarClandestine: 1) Let’s talk about Sudan. In 1998, Bill Clinton launched 14 cruise missiles onto Sudan’s largest pharmaceutical plant, FALSELY accused of making chemical weapons linked to Osama Bin Laden. Opening ...…
We should find out if any of the labs involved here were part of the DoD's DTRA program (Defense Threat Reduction Agency). This agency operated some ~340 biological labs across eastern Europe and Africa, all in dirt-poor, 3rd world countries, with minimal legal oversight. Officially, the DoD was using DoD dollars for civilian research on local diseases. Anyone who has ever listened to a DoD hearing where they ask Congress for cash or read a grant application or defense contract will immediately recognize that the DoD doesn't spend a dime unless you can find some weaselly way or other to claim that your program or project increases the lethality of the military in some way. Civilian biological research on infectious disease is done by the CDC, quite literally the world's premier agencies for such things.
Theory: Someone's cleaning up the US biological weapons labs, and DoD's going to find any excuse to use the military to blow up the evidence.
Why else would you spend so much money in Ukraine unless you were worried about the Russians getting their hands on documents that would prove an illegal biological weapons program was being run on their doorstep? Why else would we give a damn about Sudan when we've got Mexican drug cartels, Russia, and China to deal with? Because the biological weapons factories are a bigger threat to "Our Democracy(R)." Of course, I'll wait for more evidence of course, because we don't make definitive statements without hard facts to back it up, but I'm starting to find threads that might explain the inexplicable behaviors we're seeing out of the Derp State.
The Russians did get our documents and presented them to the UN Security Council last year. The leadership of the UN ignored them.
you know.... from way back I recall people trying to social engineer me into the Pharma dependence train... but I always resisted.... I now see that it is like Morloch or Political dirt. ..
At a million per cruise missile that was a reasonable roi for the books, not so much in the Book of Life.
I do not want to scare anybody, but we knew that derp state is preparing a big thing for us next year or sooner. My problem is that they will destroy again the human race with their biological weapons specially using the ones in Sudan before the elections which hopefully God will give us another chance with President Trump. I pray everyday for the world and we have to continue and ask him for mercy. Lord please forgive our sins and deliver us from the evil.
If I remember right, Clinton bombed that pharma plant in Sudan to distract from his impeachment proceedings, but now I see there was more to it.
Sudan is popping off right now....
Off topic but why does WarClandestine believe Covid is real? Just reading his Twitter and hes going on about how its killed millions of people.
To some it's about not being wrong. Many are invested in an idea and their entire public persona was built on that premise. So to pivot would mean admitting their prior assumptions were wrong.
To me it's very simple. If your data driven and not emotionally driven than one admits that the data they were looking at was flawed and now new data has been presented that counters their previous assumption. As such a pivot must happen if at the very least to a 'wait and see' appraoch or, once new data leads, to a new assumption. A perfect example of this, in my opinion, is Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
But what I mentioned above is contingent on the fact that the person is NOT emotionally driven. Thats not to say that they can not be correct in their assumptions but if not correct they will go down with their ship without regard to damage their public persona takes since in their mind everyone else is wrong and not their assumption.
Some are simply the right leaning equivalent of the emotional left. Sadly.
It did kill millions indirectly. It was the cover for medical malpractice and injecting toxins into as many people as possible. Covid the engineered virus and the chicanery that came after resulted in these deaths regardless at the end of the day.