posted ago by jcab93 ago by jcab93 +29 / -0

What if RFK Jr. spends all of primary season gathering all the wandering dems that have been hanging out by the fence. The ones that know Joe ain't right but can't find it inside of them to turn from the narrative and the echochamber they've spent so much time in. RFK is the perfect "out" for them.

What if RFK Jr. also spends this time dropping little redpill seeds all over the land that dems even further from the fence notice and pick up. What if this causes them to finally start to think, to investigate, to dig. Just a little bit. RFK is the perfect "alarm clock" to wake them up.

What percentage of Democrats do you think we are talking here? What percentage of normies do you think we are talking here?

What if Robert puts up a hell of a fight against Ol Joe but comes up just short of the nomination because, well, rigged. By the skin of his teeth, Joe slides into the DNC winner's circle.

And NOW a significant chunk of folks are hanging out in limbo-- with one eye open, starting to see the world for what it is, but one eye still closed preventing them from making that leap to being fully awake; forced with the realization that Robert Kennedy Jr. somehow lost to a tree stump. Feeling disenfranchised, lost and defeated they wander the void wondering where they go from here.

And then......

Trump taps RFK Jr., a DEMOCRAT, to be his running mate.

But wait. Is that even possible? A Republican and a Democrat both running together? Not only is it possible, its already happened. Twice.

In 1796, John Adams - Federalist and Thomas Jefferson - Democratic-Republican, and 1864 Abraham Lincoln - Republican and Andrew Johnson - Democrat.

The 1796 reason was unintentional. Back then, everyone ran for president and whoever got the most votes was president, whoever got second place was VP - even if there was mixing of the parties.

By 1860 though, that had changed, but Lincoln INTENTIONALLY picked Johnson to balance the ticket and ease concerns during the volatile period of the Civil War.

We all know that political parties are an illusion anyway. 80% of the current GOP are just as bad if not worse than 99% of the dems are. So why not a third time?

The MSM would lose its mind. Social media would implode. The political arena would cave in on itself.

What percentage of dems and normies did you guess to be behind Kennedy in the primary? Well now, Trump just stole them for the general.

You want to talk biblical, I certainly think a move like that could bring the temple down.