I don't know if this is one of those things we're not supposed to talk about here, but considering that image of Trump in front of a weird machine ("medbed") that floats around, I think it's at least Q adjacent, so would love to discuss it.
I've heard a lot of theories on how the 'medical industry' will work when all is said and done.
We know for a fact that trust in the medical industry is low right now, and will be even lower once everyone has woken up about the vaccines. We also know that the vast majority of the medical industry should be imprisoned or at least have their medical licenses revoked for this. We also know for a fact that the current medical professionals we have are all trained on the bad 'medicine', the stuff that makes us sicker, so when all is said and done, they'll be useless anyways.
This means we'll have next to no medical industry and whoever we do have will need a lot of time to learn the proper way to do things.
The theories of how it will be afterwards, that I've heard, are:
- Medbeds
- Natural cures that were hidden from us
- The human power to heal through God's gifts. The power of the mind and spirit to heal others as a community.
- Supplements
I have a problem with all of these theories.
If any of these theories are real, why have certain people, like Dr. Zelenko, passed away? Before this time of cloak and dagger and people in masks, how did politicians or celebrities ever die young, or even get to look so old and sickly? Steve Jobs is another good example of this, especially since he leaned more towards natural things supposedly. And for the supplements, if they're so damn important, then why do they cost an arm and a leg, and why do so many not work?
I've spent a lot of time worrying about the medical industry, both as it stands and how it will be in the future. My family and I have so many issues that we can't heal no matter what we do. It's not a matter of eating better or exercising more (which I also can't do anymore because of issues I can't fix without a lot of money. I miss it so much).
What about those? What about the people that have been seriously injured by the vaccine - how will they be cured? What about the paralyzed, or the mentally retarded, or infertile, or maimed? Who are people like that supposed to go to for help without a medical industry?
I want so badly to believe that there's going to be a quick and easy solution in the future, but I'm really worried that there's not. On one hand, the collapse of the medical industry certainly points to something better on the horizon, and when you combine that with the idea that there's a ton of technology we know nothing about, it sure seems possible.
All that said, I simply can't wait for the day that I'm not bombarded with ads about insurance or medicine or hospitals.
Here's something I'd like to add. I'm getting a lot of replies here (and I'm seeing it in other threads too) that eating well and exercise is the answer to everything, and we won't need doctors. I just sincerely do not agree with that. It's an over simplification of a very complex and variable industry/need.
People are literally addicted to all of the bad things they're eating, whether it's because of chemicals in the food or the programming around it. People are not going to stop eating that stuff over night. Even in cultures known for being healthier than Americans (like Koreans, for example), people are still prone to heart disease, hormonal issues, obesity, you name it. It's not always a cut and dry case of what you eat or how much - there are other causes too. That's a whole other thing that would need to be figured out in that case.
Let's say the food situation is sorted out. Well next you've got drugs, alcohol, and nicotine to deal with, which still leaves us with a need for a medical industry.
Eating right and exercising can't always be the answer, nor can natural solutions. People will still break bones - who will set them? People will still get in car accidents - who will save them? People will still be having babies, potentially with complications. People will still have issues unrelated to diet that need to be solved. What happens to them?
Just know that there is no money is curing anything. There's money in management of a disease. The longer you can be kept alive, the longer you can be milked for cash to pay for your "treatment". We're learning a lot about things Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, HCQ, and more. Things that cure and things that have been known by pharma for decades but have been hidden.
I think the medical industry is the CAUSE of a lot of sickness. Not only vaccines.Their 'medications' all have side effects. A person is put on a 'medication' for one thing, long term, and meanwhile it's silently killing your liver for example. Most meds only mask the real problem anyway instead of the doctor finding the root of the problem and fixing/curing that. They love to cut things out too. I know many people who have had their gall bladder removed for example. They remove them like it's nothing, the way they use to remove tonsils at a whim. Then you have the x-rays and mamagrams(sp) that they love and dentists REALLY love x rays. Radiation. If we get rid of the current medical industry, the chemical industry, and the GMO foods that would go a LONG way in preventing people from getting really sick in the first place.
That’s fair. My life has been destroyed because I was briefly on birth control.
Yeah and they don't make it clear how much your diet will be affected without the gall bladder. I also remember it being a common sitcom plot back in the late 80s to get you tonsils or appendix removed but I realize that I don't know a single person my age who actually had that happen to them, another case of the TV writers being way behind the times when they write their scripts?
I've been looking into a lot of natural remedies for blood pressure and finding many herbs and vegetables that turn out in studies to be just as effective as most blood pressure drugs and and without the side effects and much cheaper to simply add to your diet. Some of them do have to be concentrated extracts though, it's not feasible to eat enough of the plant itself in a single day.
Glad you mention gallbladder. Seen a few discuss it. Side effect of stomach removed due to cancer apparently is many removing their gallbladder. I've held off so far.
I remember those shoes also. They made getting your tonsils out fun because you got to eat Ice cream a lot.
And have you seen the film “cult of medics”.
Nausea meds WARNING "May cause nausea".
Blood stop clotting meds. "May cause brain clots".
Makes total sense 🙈🤦
Warning: Vaccines may cause “SUDDENLY”.
I honestly don't know.
But many people have this unrealistic vision that because a remedy is natural, that anyone can just go out, pick some flowers, and it will work. This is very far from the truth. Surface area matters in many cases. How small can you grind those particles. Do you have a jet mill? Will a dry process yield equivalent results to a wet process? And what about digestibility? Many substances absorb a lot better if taken up by the duodenum instead of the stomach. What kind of acid protector are you going to create around the outside of your remedy to enable this?
Even with natural, herbal remedies, producing natural remedies at pharmaceutical quality is non trivial and requires substantial investment.
I think the biggest change we are going to see right away is that the FDA is going to become less corrupt, allowing smaller manufacturers to meet the requirements of validating their products. Today, it requires several million dollars to bring a new remedy to market. After this is over, I expect to see major changes in the health services industry, including encouraging allopathic doctors to recommend and rely more on these nutraceutical type products and less on prescription drugs.
Whether or not med beds or energy healing is real I don't know. I definitely believe faith healing happens, but I'm not sure it is something that can be elevated to a technically assisted process. It may simply be that we all just become more spiritually aware to the point we are able to heal ourselves more often, and we may find that therapy to find what is blocking our soul from fixing us is more important than biochemical processes.
Hyperbaric chamber is a Med bed
I have already opted out of the medical industry all together. I believe diet is the main contributor to ‘disease’. It’s as simple as keeping the body alkaline by eating alkaline foods. Cancer or tumors can’t survive in alkalinity. When people find out that meat, dairy and eggs and grains are making them sick, many will choose to keep on poisoning themselves. My sources are Charlie Freak and Dr Robert Morse.
I strongly suspect that food from the garden and farmer's market and regular exercise would eliminate 90% of medical problems. I don't think it is all that complicated.
I tend to agree with you. It’s hard to see what’s coming because we literally don’t know the future, but I think the vaccine damage is something that will be the catalyst to releasing the medbed technology. There is a ton of photobiomodulation technology out there that is somewhat of a taste of it and becoming more mainstream. I believe there will still be a need for doctors but we have to reform the health insurance industry before that happens. It starts at the top and they ultimately are the ones who control the docs. Another big issue is health literacy is so low that people willingly believe what their doctors tell them because they are in a place of fear and it cascades out of control from there. Watch the documentary called “Heal”; our own minds can do a lot of the healing but we have to be health literate to even begin to heal our own bodies.
Will absolutely watch that documentary again, thank you! Nail on the head about people being in a place of fear, too. Doctors scare the crap out of me and make me second guess myself.
God has given us all we need we just need to use it and get around the medical industry that suppresses it....
First of all why did you mention nicotine. That is not a heavy duty drug that does anything. Even in cigarettes the nicotine is the one part of it that is not harming you. Dr Aridis and many doctors tell you that but you know what nicotine does do. It stops you from getting those pesky dangerous proteins form the covid shot or from those shedding the spike proteins.
A cigarette was stocked with over 4000 dangerous chemicals that will kill you. I smoke a vape that is not a cigarette and even the hospital considers me a non smoker because the only thing resembling a cigarette is nicotine and that is not going to harm you.
The chemicals they put in food do so you need to learn to grow your own vegetables or purchase them from a local farm. I live near menonites so getting clean food is a lot easier plus I have a yard to grow vegetables in.
This earth was created with natural remedies for anything that can happen to you but you need to remember since the beginning they were at work trying to find ways to poison us.
Most sickness today was created by them including flu, cancer, measles. None of the sicknesses we have today are natural they are all man made and they have destroyed the natural products that keep us from getting sick.
Those famous people you talk about that died they died because they are not at the top of the elite circles. They may have committed crimes for the elite but they are still just useless eaters to them so they do not get the cures for anything. If you notice the worst of the worst all live long long lives. People like Soros etc. The worst of the Rothchilds didnt die until he was over 100. Most of us will never see that age because we are not in the club,
T;here are more good doctors and nurses than ;you know about and they can start up private practices for the future.
Supplements do work, and I am living proof. I was discovered to have a spinal tumor. I had lots of MRI's with dye, and was taking LOADS of ibuprofen- up to 2400 mg a day for months. Then, I was found to have stage 3 or 4 kidney disease. I was about four points away from dialysis. But, I started taking kidney strengthening glandular supplements and a special kidney tea. 2 mos later I was 14 points further from dialysis, and two more months took me to normal. This was supplements. Never think nourishing your body won't fix it, because it will. But get top of the line ones available only to professionals, of which I am one.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I don't believe in any supplements being worth it.
I believe the vast majority being pushed by these truthers are scammy, and I believe a lot of the ones on the market are also scammy or necessarily trustworthy. There are absolutely good, safe, and beneficial ones available though.
I was plagued by horrible tension based migraines for a long time, and started taking a low dose of magnesium bisglycinate every day. The migraines aren't gone but they are a ton better.
Unfortunately, they're expensive, which is a big part of my problem with the push to start taking all kinds of supplements, especially when you aren't sure what you need, whether it'll interact with your other medications, if you're on any, or if the ones you've selected are actually good/good for you. Your suggestion to get the ones available to professionals is a good one, but how are normal people supposed to get them, and how are they supposed to afford it even if they can?
The power of healing, even with Med Beds from different diseases and even doing everything right in your life, still will not guarantee you'll Live for ever, at least not in this world but when heaven is on earth.
Steve Jobs died because he, within himself, denied that he was sick for years, and waited far too long to get medical attention. There's a reason why they said Jobs had a "reality distortion field". In this case, it worked against him.
Look up Essiac on Amazon and read the reviews. Also you can’t be a catalyst for the light of God and his healing if you eat babies - the baby eaters rely on false miracles and their ladder over the fence, their tower into heaven. You who know the gate can usher others towards it like a welcome guest not as a thief with a ladder.
Not in the pocket of Pharmaceutical Corporations, corrupted government agencies, Physician/nurses Associations or Medical & Pharmaceutical Communist Boards!
I think it needs to come back to a point of moderation. The push for over the top preventative medicine and the constant tightening of the parameters of what is considered "normal" readings has made me very skeptical, even without all the CV BS.
The idea that we abandon all pharmaceuticals goes too far in the other direction IMHO. As you mentioned, there are some things that are needed. If I need a surgeon, I would prefer the surgery be done with a few pain killers. And as someone who has suffered from seasonal allergies since I was a kid, I do like the fact that I have access to Claritin, (even though I think it costs way too much). But the experience of the last couple of years has taught me to be more discerning before I just accept a pill option. Can this be remedied with diet and exercise? How long has this pill been on the market? (7 years minimum) How does it interact with other medications? And if the doctor gaslights me, I will be firm. This is MY body. I live in it, not you.
I've noticed that in recent years for blood pressure they lowered the threshold between "exercise more and make some dietary changes" to "take these drugs NOW" by twenty points.
The medical industry, as we know it, does not look for a root cause of a condition, but rather just writes a Rx. to camouflage the problem. Time is money.
I hear your frustration. Personally I hate the medical system. (Although my issue is currently a class action case in the Supreme court of Victoria, oz too). I have nothing to do with the medical system other than paper pushing (TPD Claim).
EXCEPT I'm currently booked in for surgery to remove this toxic product and even still I question if I'll cancel last minute due to my lack of trust.
I've heard of the medbed but reality is it's unknown, fiction? So it's deciding to wait and see knowing I'm forever in pain and sick or take a chance and hope surgery removes the common side effects of this toxic sh1t.
Last summer a company bought an older hotel/event center in my hometown and turned it into a medbed establishment. Apparently, you can pay to use the beds by the hour or overnight, or purchase one. I've driven past it a couple of times. I've never been able to find out anything else about it. I'm not even sure whether it's open yet or not.