North Carolina House Speaker Republican Tim Moore pulls bill before it could be voted on. Senate Leader Republican Phil Berger says they have already passed enough “gun laws” for now. Constitutional Carry will just have to wait. It appears that both North and South Carolina will continue to require its citizens to get a government permission permit to allow themselves to exercise a God given Constitutional confirmed right. These RINO’s need to be voted out: NC - Tim Moore, NC - Phil Berger, SC- Luke Rankin. Rankin is the South Carolina Republican (RINO) Head of the Judiciary Committee that is currently blocking the SC Constitutional Carry bill from coming to a vote in the SC Senate. It appears these bills may be dead for another year in both states.
Comments (11)
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What is the "Shall Not Be Infringed" part they don't understand?
I support, one hundred percent, constitutional carry, but until the world can make a little more sense out of itself, I'm going with the permit. It is important to juries, so God forbid I find myself in court, it's important to me. It ain't right, but a lot of things aren't. There are many laws and rules that I really don't care for., but the dude abides. To a point.
Here's the thing, "Constitutional Carry" is a misnomer. It's just another way for government to exercise control over you AND make a little money on your permits / licensing. CONSTITUTUIONAL CARRY is already a THING! It's called the 2nd amendment and nobody has the right to prevent you. End of. They might try to tell you they have the right, they might try to scare you into believing them, they might even threaten you. But the USA Constitution is the SUPREME LAW of our land and any so called 'law' that opposes it is, by definition, and UNconstitutional law. Know your rights.
God given rights as defined by the Declaration of independence of the USA are life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness.
I honestly wish you would stop with the God given rights. It is not a God given right to carry a gun or even defend yourself. Jesus did not defend himself nor did he ever carry a weapon.
It is most certainly a God-given right. You seem to not understand Nature's Laws. Jesus used the power of His divinity to defend Himself. Self-preservation is a right that all living creatures have.
Negative Rights come with the duty to not interfere. Therefore you have this right as long as someone else doesn’t jump into your life and actively take it away. Things like the Freedom of Speech, Self-preservation, and Freedom of Religion falls into this category.
Positive rights come with the duty to interfere. Therefore you don’t have this right unless someone else actively pays for it or provides it to you. Things like free college, free health care, and imposing your control over my body all fall into this category.
Positive Rights do not really exist. This is because you cannot have a right to anything that would require labor and resources of another person to provide it.
Very well stated.
Not according to our founders and the constitution.
Free-born Americans' second amendment rights "shall not be infringed",for the explicit purpose of defending oneself and ones' family.
I wish you would educate yourself.
LOL. Okay Boomer. Tell that to Him when he comes back and starts crushing people left and right.
That is one of the most ridiculous thing I've ever read here, and I've read some doozys.
Just rolled with 12 other homies bro.........No one gonna fucks with a prehistoric crip my G