Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
I used to believe with all my heart that America is the greatest country in the world but after being awakened to the cabal's open and celebrarated crimes against humanity I honestly dont think that anymore. I would love to move to a society that doesnt celebrate sexual deviance. Im really starting to think Id like to move to Russia. I feel like thats the best society to be free from the corruption of the cabal.
If you are part of the Body of Christ, a Christian, then you are part of a body that is all over the world through the Holy Spirit. We will rise and defeat evil, through and with him. His return is promised. Your land is in the United States, it is your birthright, do not throw it away with an idea that there is somewhere better, because no matter the state, the nation, the government that rules it, nothing holds the promise that you were born with, as a citizen. Men fought and froze and starved, no shoes for heavens sake, to secure our liberty, and although those liberties have been infringed, they are not gone, and there is still a vehicle to get them back, the Constitution. Your birthright is something people lie cheat and pay all they own to have. Back in the late 70's, I felt the same, I went to Ireland, I had thought I wanted to move there. After 2 months I got homesick for my own country, as wonderful as the Irish were, and at that time, it would have been easy, it was a different time, not so much surveillance, and as a kind Irishman in a pub told me, the Irish were not so picky about rules and immigration, especially if I was an American. It was tempting, but I got homesick, for so many things that are purely American, and not all of them were material. Strife and corruption and deviance do exist, but what of it, if you have Christ? I do love my country, I do love the fact that this old gal can go from coast to coast and break bread and be welcome at any town or city, with others of the same heart and mind. There are two levels to this battle, and the biggest level is unseen, it exists in another dimension, but it exists. My advice to you is to hold the line right here in the USA, honor your birthright, do not trade it like Esau did to Jacob, respect it, it was given to you by God, your ancestors came here, (unless you are native), for a reason. I believe with all my heart that reason still is relevant. May God guide your path.
My view:
God raised the United States to be his Champion in the world, and the spearhead / beachhead to prepare the world for the return of Christ. The US represented the most advanced fruit of Christian civilization. For this reason, the US has been attacked more than any nations, spiritually.
Personally, I believe the foundation has been laid so that all nations can now break free of the Cabal, but the US is still ground zero. If you move to another country to escape the Cabal's influence, then what will happen to the US?
If Russia is on the path to become a great nation, it's ONLY because the United States was used by God to stand up to and defeat atheistic materialism in the Soviet Union.
Very few nations in the world would be in the good position they are in if God had NOT raised and used the United States.
Don't be discouraged, but believe in the US, because God does. That's why he's fighting to free her.
The Cabal has committed many, many more crimes against humanity via other nations of the world. It's always darkest before the dawn.
By sexual deviance do you mean LGBTQ or pedophilia? If that is what you mean, please keep in mind they are not even 5 percent of our population. And even the kid thing, it is not the pure focus or intent of the cabal. Greed and accelerationism both economic and spiritual is the actual goal of the cabal. End times manipulation and wanting -power- is their real end. Have faith in God and trust the people he picked to guide us through this time are under His protection. Stay cozy. All you have to do is look out for yourself and your loved ones and remember that for the most part, people are good. Lots of braindead normies but lots of good people too.
Now if by sexual deviance all you mean is non religious humans offend your personal set of moral values..
"Sexual deviance" is inherent to our species. We are biological creatures with a hardwired multilayered system of measures to drive us or coerce us to reproduce. As long as humans are humans they will tempt, seduce, and pursue each other by any means necessary because that is the way it was designed. Mind you, I do believe we can rise above those base instincts but that is a conversation for another day.
Always remember though, what is moral or not changes based on time and place. Very few things are set in stone. Do I personally believe monogamy is the 100% best way to cultivate a romance and lifelong friendship? Yes. Do I believe monogamy is the 100% best way to raise children? Yes. It doesn't change that many of the saints who will welcome us to the new kingdom had mutiple wives. It doesn't change that a harder, more violent world required a sacrifice of the possessive nature of our hearts in order to insure our survival. The best way I can say it..God really had no reason to give women oversized breasts, but he did. Nor did he have a reason to make us sexually active year round instead of in seasons. Ask yourself why?
Part of waking up is realizing the cabal had everything to do with the three major world religions all criminalizing the female body, policing sexuality, and in spite of the full knowledge man is not perfect, demanding puritanical perfection for him in exchange for piety. Think of it, one of these religions goes as far as female genital mutilation and the other two demand circumcision. All three have very similar coding which is designed to not only control but divide. Think, just think, you will arrive at the truth :)
The cabal is all about normalizing pedophilia and Trannies to destroy the family unit. Feminism already accomplished a lot of that but the LGBTQ7% stuff is now how they are killing Christianity and families.
Some interesting ideas. (I agree with about 40% of it, but about 60% of it I don't.)
Don't think in terms of countries or cultures. Think in terms of people vs the Cabal.
Common people in America are fantastic. So are the common people in India, or Russia or Africa or Europe or anywhere else. Yes, many of these are currently blind and misguided, but when they learn the truth, most will do the right thing, and inherently most people are good.
When I feel depressed, I think about this, about how Humanity is good and worth saving even with all the faults, and the only thing that makes people bad are the lies and deceptions.
It is heartbreaking to learn that our country has done such evil to humanity, and I’ve caught myself thinking the same thing, and being ashamed. But We the People, the Patriots are what is good about our country. All the crimes were done in secret and darkness. But we are bringing light to their darkness. God has assigned every single one of us for the truth telling mission. We all have a role to play, no matter how small. Unity is what they fear most. No matter what happens we must stay unified. WWG1WGA ❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸
Our country didn't do it.
Evil satanists did it in our name.
It's part of the plan to discourage us.
They did this to the Germans, too. Beat them up psychologically so they were ashamed to be German.
They will not do this to us.
We know it's not us -- it's the parasite on our back.
I agree.