Demons, and their spawn, thrive in fire, right? Stake through the heart perhaps? Fill its mouth with salt and sew its lips shut? Dowse (drown) it in holy water?
Remove the head, burn the corpse, submerge the head in water blessed by a priest, adorn the vessel with cloves of garlic, stand approx. 500m away and proceed to vaporize the vessel wih an M107 barrett 50 cal with a depleted uranium tipped round.
I came across a news story, yesterday, I wasn't sure of the validity of the source so I didn't share it. But basically it said Chelsea was already dead at Gitmo. The story said there was a hearing after she was found guilty to see if she could be executed. She supposedly said, "Why aren't you hanging Marc?" Something to that effect. Don't even know who Marc is. Anyway, the military judge supposedly said, "You've ruined the lives of thousands of women and children. You hang tomorrow." Now that's some entertaining AF fan fiction, and if it true, I guess we'll know eventually.
So you’re saying that a lot of these people have already been disappeared off to Gitmo and the military tribunals have already been happening for some time now?
burn this demon spawn at the stake.......
kill it with fire
Demons, and their spawn, thrive in fire, right? Stake through the heart perhaps? Fill its mouth with salt and sew its lips shut? Dowse (drown) it in holy water?
I hear silver stakes to the heart work then cut iff the head for good measure
Howls. You are buying insurance now!
Remove the head, burn the corpse, submerge the head in water blessed by a priest, adorn the vessel with cloves of garlic, stand approx. 500m away and proceed to vaporize the vessel wih an M107 barrett 50 cal with a depleted uranium tipped round.
I came across a news story, yesterday, I wasn't sure of the validity of the source so I didn't share it. But basically it said Chelsea was already dead at Gitmo. The story said there was a hearing after she was found guilty to see if she could be executed. She supposedly said, "Why aren't you hanging Marc?" Something to that effect. Don't even know who Marc is. Anyway, the military judge supposedly said, "You've ruined the lives of thousands of women and children. You hang tomorrow." Now that's some entertaining AF fan fiction, and if it true, I guess we'll know eventually.
Marc Mezvinsky is her husband.
He's a former Goldman Sachs investor who co-founded a hedge fund that banked on Greece getting bailed out by the EU.
When the bailout never happened, Eaglevale Partners fizzled out and officially shut down 3 weeks after the 2016 Presidential election.
Who knows what would have happened there instead if Hillary had won?
Marc Elias is one of their operative lawyers.
Oh that's right! It was an entertaining "story", but I guess we'll have to wait and see
sounds like that came from the raw news site all BS
So you’re saying that a lot of these people have already been disappeared off to Gitmo and the military tribunals have already been happening for some time now?
When do you think the people will be informed?
When it's time for the people to be informed.
I concur. With fire. Then piss on and spread the ashes.
Nice teeth.
not very neigh-borly 🐴
I fully understand your mane point.
Better to tear the flesh with. She looked like she needed her Adrenochrome.
You would think she would get them whitewashed- but then again eating pizza tends to blacken them