Best news site out there hands-down. And I’m now banned. My crime? Reading a story about a Brazil doctor literally pulling the head of a healthy baby girl during delivery and commenting that the doctor needs to be finished. I didn’t say chainsawed slowly or killed, which he should be if convicted, but finished. Finish his practice. Finish his life as he knows it. Finish his reputation. Finish his marriage. Banned for the word finished. It has connotations but they’re not all bad. You can’t even condemn the most horrific crimes without getting banned for it even if you use words with dual meanings. I disagree strongly with them. Shame.
Comments (19)
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People are becoming cowards. the left has made us cowards to use the language they don't like. the Gateway Pundit walks a thin line and any opportunity for the left to hammer them must frighten them. We are all becoming gun shy. which is what they want.
Control language and u control thought. Control thought and u control action. Control action and u control the world. That is the plan.
Perfect examples. Use my pronouns. Child rapers and pedos. They are MAPS.
The real MAPS will lead to.... my lawyer advised me not to finish this sentence
Don't they use disqus? It's probably not them moderating.
We always have to remember that the public faces of awakening in whatever form it takes, is always constantly under attack from the clowns and their agents. They prey on comments like this, to paint the whole platform as violent or deadly or whatever else they want to call. These places take no pleasure in enforcing whatever policies they have put in place to defend against these attacks. We as users should always try to make their job easy.
Perhaps send an appeal to them and tell them that you understand perhaps why they banned you, and that you never intended to convey violence and that in future you will be careful with your choice of wordings.
I would be surprised if they dont let you back in.
Gateway Pundit has rules too anon, but it may be more of disqus (for the comments).
It’s fine, just make another account and keep fagging
Gateway Pundit didn't ban you. Disqus banned you.
I've been suspended on GWP from making comments several times....for what, I never knew. I appealed to GWP, asked why and they reinstated me. They saw no reason for that action. There are people on there as well who like to make it difficult for others who've done nothing wrong.
"Doctors" who do that are the reason that cerebral palsy exists.
Understand, they are publishers not a social media platform. Anything you say, they can be held liable so they must moderate.
Banned from them also, and I don’t know what I said.
I didn’t use profanity, threats. They are not the best ‘out there.’ They are good headline news.
Gayway pedo pundit
"Needs to be finished" parsed as killed. Likely automated comment moderation. Some of it is cumulative, you hit a threshold of triggers and get the boot. If you really care that much get a vpn and create a new account.Or, if posting from your home computer use tor or post from your phone. Many ways to evade a ban. But the real question is if you were banned over a benign comment is the site really worth participating on?
You still have to log on to disqus though
Then a new account, yes?
One of the Hoft brothers is married to a young Filipino man. That site glows and I think it's controlled op.
You deserve to get banned. As "Bubble Bursts" said, we are the public face of this movement."
There are better ways to say that a doctor is "finished" like he deserves to be executed for his actions or just throw him into the slammer and eat the key.