We chose this time to incarnate on this planet… we are the warriors of light… we will shine the light for all to see, and in the end, we all will walk peacefully into the new world… as Q said, we will show them a new world…
This new world will be free from corruption and evil… just one human, loving another.
We have chosen the best time to be alive, or it has chosen us!
I think the cabal will fight.... and lose.
We chose this time to incarnate on this planet… we are the warriors of light… we will shine the light for all to see, and in the end, we all will walk peacefully into the new world… as Q said, we will show them a new world… This new world will be free from corruption and evil… just one human, loving another.
Wow! That's the spirit!
We Were chosen
You’ve been chosed.
They have already lost they just cannot accept it yet
God chose you to live at this time.