Very true. I think we all hoped he'd win but none of us really knew. He was up against the machine, the titan. We didn't know about Q, so how could one crazy, orange billionaire beat the entire planetary international cabal?
Election night was the most electric I've felt since attending an NBA Finals game. Absolutely electric and fun.
And the days before were just memeing on house money.
damn wish i could've seen it. i was still deep in the Matrix back then :/
2016 we felt like the jolly men of Sherwood Forest
Very true. I think we all hoped he'd win but none of us really knew. He was up against the machine, the titan. We didn't know about Q, so how could one crazy, orange billionaire beat the entire planetary international cabal?
Election night was the most electric I've felt since attending an NBA Finals game. Absolutely electric and fun.
And the days before were just memeing on house money.
The faces on the TV anchors as they were forced to call each state for Trump and then the win. The best win of them all.
is there a compilation vid of their reactions anywhere? that would be hilarious xD