Armageddon: "cataclysmic final conflict," 1811, figurative use of the place-name in Revelation xvi.16, the site of the great and final conflict, from Hebrew Har Megiddon "Mount of Megiddo," a city in central Palestine, site of important Israelite battles.
"Armageddon" means The Final Battle at Megiddo, a key mountain pass lying dead center in the State of Israel.
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
:"Not mentioned a single time," except of course in one of the most lasting and impactful prophecies of all time, the quintessential prediction of the End of the World.
You can't think of any so called christians who have behaved in the same evil manner? Do you really think this is a religious war? Jews vs the rest of us?? There are sick, evil "people" in every religion and every world view. Pelosi and Biden are both Catholic. Should we find out how many rotten members of Congress are Catholic?
just because you say you are something does not make it so.
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
It's not, nor has it ever been "The Jews." It is, and has always been, a very small group of people who sit at the TOP of the greater body of people we call "Jewish" (the Israelites, or Judeans, which are really only two of the tribes). They are most easily classified as the Priest Class of Jews, although even that is misleading since not every single Rabbi or Priest is "in on it," and not every single person who is "in on it" is a Rabbi or Priest (today, the vast majority aren't). It's really more of an historical reference.
The real enemy is the actual people who are trying to lead us into their One World Satanic Order. That a large percent of them come from a specific region is not coincidental, however, their first order of business was to subjugate the rest of the people who lived there (the Actual Jews), using propaganda to motivate action. It is the same thing they have done all over the world to everyone else as well, for thousands of years.
i don't see them speaking out against the bad jews
First, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I find reports all the time of "anti-Semitic Jews." Second, NOBODY speaks out against the bad people who call themselves Jews. You aren't ALLOWED to speak out against them, so you not seeing it is because people are programmed to not speak out against them. Third, there are no "bad jews," there are BAD PEOPLE who call themselves Jews. Even the word "Jews" has a confused meaning (formerly "Judeans" or "Israelites"). It is a category (and word) that they created themselves a few hundred years ago to use as a shield to hide behind. It is a word designed specifically as a broad category to help promote their Association fallacy.
The PTB (those I mentioned AKA the Synagogue of Satan) purposefully created an Association Fallacy by which they could hide their actions. If people blame all Jews for the actions of those who sit at the top, then any attempt to talk about the evidence is literally Racist. It is a fabrication of reality, designed to create division, thus keeping the evidence of evil and the Real Source of that evil from reaching the public sphere.
So they are complacent with the current situation
You are confusing brainwashing with complicity. The entire world has been brainwashed, and we are all, by that brainwashing "complicit" by your definition. I believe that you have been brainwashed, since you believe in the Association Fallacy that they created for you to believe in. Please don't think I am singling you out with that, like me, and everyone else, we have all been brainwashed. There are many different brainwashing programs running. By your specific beliefs, you belong to the group that was purposefully created as the "other side" that allows them to use that "Association Fallacy" shield to hide their crimes.
These are not Hebrews of the anceint tribes of Israel these are imposters, converts to judiasm
If you mean "the Khazarians," my research suggests that they are one of the Tribes of Israel that moved to Scythian lands after the Diaspora. So technically, they are the same people. As for them being "converts," on the contrary, they created Judaism. They are the descendants of the Priest Class of Jews. What you may not appreciate is that there are many different "Judaisms." They created them all, but follow only one.
God did not say church of satan or mosque he said Synagogue
"God" didn't say anything about it at all. The person who wrote Revelation did. The author (unknown) said "synagogue" because the words "church" (a strictly Christian word, post Nicene convention (from the greek, "of the Lord"), though really post Reformation over a thousand years later) and "mosque" (a strictly muslim word, also created many centuries after Revelation) didn't exist yet. There is no "larger Jewish conspiracy" evidence in that word.
i just wish they would stop being evil and stop spreading degeneracy and lies
This is how propaganda works. First it is created by evil people (those mentioned). Then it gets pushed to their immediate constituency. Then those first brainwashed push it on others, then it goes everywhere, then an opposition movement is purposefully created (in this case those that believe in their Association Fallacy), the :"opposition" get their opposition propaganda, then they push it everywhere (see the Nazis, a group which they created), then Division is created, then a people are conquered.
This is the primary technique the C_A uses to control nations. They didn't get that technique from nowhere, on the contrary, they got it from the people who created them, AKA the same group we are talking about.
It's a lengthy response because there is a lot to explain. It's not however a "wall of text," on the contrary, it is well formatted. If you mean you don't want me to elaborate then I suggest you don't want to actually engage in meaningful conversation. If what you want is dumbed down exchanges and memes, Twatter is over there.
you shouldn't insult me
What did I say that was insulting? Perhaps you should read the next sentence after the one that you thought was "insulting."
Geez! What about the Pope and the freaking Catholic church! Pedophiles central. Mass graves within the Vatican walls. Many were children. How about the Jesuits who are actually accused of starting OSS. I'll need much more evidence then lip service regarding the whole "it's all the Jews fault". Maybe it is but seriously where is your evidence.
What about the Pope and the freaking Catholic church! Pedophiles central.
The evidence suggests the Vatican was a creation of the same group of people (that requires a TON of background, really a whole book, and since it shows who really created Christianity, the evidence is not generally well received).
The Jesuits were also started by that group of people. That has been known since their beginning. (Those are just easy starting references, there is so much evidence that supports this, I find it crazy that anyone doesn't realize that.)
The OSS was also started by the same group of people. (Started by Allen Dulles, an agent of Rockefeller/Rothschild (I'm currently writing a book that includes that evidence, first part here, but I haven't gotten to Dulles yet). It was also Allen Dulles who helped run the Nazi program (lots of stuff on that, but nothing "blatant", some will be in the book), stopped the Nazi program, started and ran the Cold War (evidence for that is everywhere, it's not even slightly controversial), etc. He did it all. He was a major player. He even "debunked" the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which "if true," explains everything, thus the "Debunking").
I'll need much more evidence then lip service regarding the whole "it's all the Jews fault"
It's NOT THE JEWS. Their religion barely even resembles the canonical Judaism we understand today except in that they are the "chosen people."
If it's not the Jews then why are so many here disparaging them?? I believe we need to be VERY specific about who we call out and why. Not just saying "oh look so an so is a piece of crap...ya, she's a Jew". This is very divisive. And, if I was Jewish I would be offended and probably not come to this site anymore. We want truth here not alienation.
If it's not the Jews then why are so many here disparaging them??
Please see my response here (from this thread) that explains why people believe it's "The Jews." Basically, they believe it is "The Jews" because the concept was created by the PTB as a form of brainwashed controlled opposition. There must be an opposition to force division to hide evidence.
I believe we need to be VERY specific about who we call out and why.
Agreed. It is for this reason that I respond on this topic as I have on a regular basis, but overcoming brainwashing is hard.
This is very divisive
"The Jew" brainwashing program was created specifically to create this division.
Exactly. So point being why define these other folks as Jews when they can call themselves whatever they want? It's their actions we need to call out. Not the religion they say they're part of.
And, if it's true that there is a greater conspiracy here to be exposed them give us the background instead of assuming we all hate Jews here.
If the short answer is no then don't you think it might be less divisive to be really specific when making claims against these people bc they are "Jews"?
Hebrews call themselves Jews. Jews call themselves Jews. So wouldn't it make sense to be very careful when you make disparaging remarks about Jews since that term includes all people who worship a certain way?
You're explaining it just fine. It seems my question is still unanswered.
There are Jews, Judahites, and there are Jews, Ashkenazi jews who are converts. The latter group are who is being talked about. They aren't actually Jewish and are Khazarian converts. They hate Christians, they hate Russians and Americans and want to destroy the world we built.
So no I suppose it isn't a religious war in those terms but we must know our enemy and that group are clearly our enemy.
No sir. They were never from Israel. They are from what is today known as Ukraine. Generally the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea south of Russia and up into Ukraine. This was the area known as Khazaria in antiquity.
Plenty of info out there if one wishes to research and learn history.
This was the area known as the Khazarian Khanate starting around 600 AD (not exactly "antiquity"). A Khanate is a "Kingdom of Scythia." They were a subgroup of the larger group of Scythian Tribes that ruled all of Asia and a large part of Europe for between 2500 to 5000 years. You may have heard of this Empire of Scythia as the "Tartarians." This Empire has been purposefully hidden from history.
Hidden Empire of Scythia
See Russia and her Colonies by Walter Kolartz, 1952, pages 31-41 (though specifically page 39). It shows that the USSR purposefully hid the Empire of Tartary from history.
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria
I can’t find it atm, but there is a specific primary reference that talks about a group of people, one of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” crossing the Caucasus Mountains into the exact region later called the Khazarian Khanate. It isn’t too much of a stretch to think that they did there what they do everywhere, take over the leadership through Money Magic and Religion Magic.
However, there is also plenty of evidence (archaeological, recorded historical, genetic, etc.) that suggests the entire original group of “Israelites” (descendants of Abraham through Israel) were originally a Scythian Outpost. By hiding the Scythian Empire that ruled the entire region for thousands of years from history, a metric fuckton of connections and real history has also been hidden.
Plenty of info out there if one wishes to research and learn history...
"Tartarians." This Empire has been purposefully hidden from history.
I was reading something recently about Scythia and I am banging my head trying to remember because it was very interesting but probably not related to this.
I am sure there is plenty of info out there that points to either Khazarians being actually Jewish or that Ashkenazi Jews are not of Khazarian descent, but they sure do like to hide and lie in history books. I have seen too much that makes me believe they were idol worshippers who converted and are not Judahites, (actual Jews).
As for Russia hiding history, I have no doubt all governments and countries do this. What is the old saying? History is written by the victors... How do we know they tell the truth? It's hard to know what is actually true that far back.
I have seen too much that makes me believe they were idol worshippers who converted and are not Judahites, (actual Jews).
The problem with this is, there is too much evidence against the tribe of Judah actually being "Jews" in the sense that we understand it today (as in, followers of the religion we understand as Judaism today). That is a huge quagmire of a discussion however, and the evidence is flung far and wide. Also, people are generally unwilling to look at that evidence because their own beliefs rely on a specific "truth" of Judaism.
History is written by the victors... How do we know they tell the truth? It's hard to know what is actually true that far back.
History isn't written by the victors, it's written by the publishers. It is the people who make the actual books that write history. Any book that is "popular" even if it is only "popular" among a subset of people (historians e.g.) is popular precisely because the book publishers, and those that control the information (propaganda) made it popular. This is a very important thing to understand when looking into history.
That aside, my investigation suggests that most of what is said in history books is true (where by "true" I mean corroborated by other independent sources and evidence). Now of course "most" is not "all," and I'm not suggesting it is, but "most" is a whole lot. It is the stuff that is left out where the real fuckery is. It is in the books that aren't well known where the most interesting leads are.
Regardless, I agree that knowing what's "true" is impossible in practice. Thus I work strictly on "levels of reasonable doubt." In other words, I think about whether or not a "statement of fact" has enough supporting evidence that I think it is likely true. I then consider what my doubts are, based on all the evidence I can find on it. Are my doubts based on the process of reason? Are they based on fear or other unrelated (or indirectly related) beliefs? From these questions (which get applied with each new piece of evidence) I construct a theory of "what really happened."
It actually works out pretty well. As I get more evidence, my main theory (which I have espoused to some small extent here) gets stronger and stronger. Every piece of evidence I find now fits in perfectly, further corroborating the main hypothesis. That doesn't make it true, but it does put it, for me, beyond a reasonable doubt. Unless and until new evidence comes that would give me a reasonable doubt (doubt based on the process of reason), it remains in that category.
Of course elaborating a theory to other people requires a great deal of effort, because the evidence is not easily shown. While there are a few "smoking guns," most of the evidence is only meaningful in context with other evidence. The whole "evidence chain" requires so much work to elaborate. Also there is good reason to doubt all sources, as you suggest. Thus the actual exposure to the greater reasons I believe my theory is validated takes a great deal of time, effort, and organization.
The beginning of this project of exposure to my investigation can be found here. It doesn't talk about anything like this yet, and even when it does, that exposure will be minimal because I am not trying to show this particular line of reasoning. The cognitive dissonance (from brainwashing) as it relates to "The Jews" is too great, especially among the larger populace, which is the target audience for my report.
The ruling elite of the Khazars was said by Judah Halevi and Abraham ibn Daud to have converted to Rabbinic Judaism in the 8th century
The "ruling elite of the Khazars" is a huge deep dive, and relates to the "Aryan race," the Elite Scythians, and omg, so much. There is SO MUCH THERE in that particular group, I don't even know where to begin. The Royal Scythians were the Aryan Race, for example... Now just try to work that into the common beliefs about the "Nazis".
Nevertheless, this is the official version of history (or close enough to). I suggest that isn't what actually happened, or at least there is a whole lot more to that story (that isn't understood), but to elaborate that requires so much background information, not to mention me digging up all the sources. Perhaps I should take the time to write that up formally.
Awkward phrase to use, agreed. Perhaps a nod to anons? Only two Q-Posts include "lifestyle" (actually from Wapo article title), references media focus on "QAnon".
Whenever there's a "book deal" you should immediately think of money laundering.
Upvote for you mmtwo!
thx u/Richone/
Bragg was exposed. How many knew anything about him (outside of NY) before this case?
Saving Israel for last. I can hardly wait.
"Armageddon" means The Final Battle at Megiddo, a key mountain pass lying dead center in the State of Israel.
:"Not mentioned a single time," except of course in one of the most lasting and impactful prophecies of all time, the quintessential prediction of the End of the World.
What trend? Soros is off limits.
You can't think of any so called christians who have behaved in the same evil manner? Do you really think this is a religious war? Jews vs the rest of us?? There are sick, evil "people" in every religion and every world view. Pelosi and Biden are both Catholic. Should we find out how many rotten members of Congress are Catholic?
It's not, nor has it ever been "The Jews." It is, and has always been, a very small group of people who sit at the TOP of the greater body of people we call "Jewish" (the Israelites, or Judeans, which are really only two of the tribes). They are most easily classified as the Priest Class of Jews, although even that is misleading since not every single Rabbi or Priest is "in on it," and not every single person who is "in on it" is a Rabbi or Priest (today, the vast majority aren't). It's really more of an historical reference.
The real enemy is the actual people who are trying to lead us into their One World Satanic Order. That a large percent of them come from a specific region is not coincidental, however, their first order of business was to subjugate the rest of the people who lived there (the Actual Jews), using propaganda to motivate action. It is the same thing they have done all over the world to everyone else as well, for thousands of years.
First, just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I find reports all the time of "anti-Semitic Jews." Second, NOBODY speaks out against the bad people who call themselves Jews. You aren't ALLOWED to speak out against them, so you not seeing it is because people are programmed to not speak out against them. Third, there are no "bad jews," there are BAD PEOPLE who call themselves Jews. Even the word "Jews" has a confused meaning (formerly "Judeans" or "Israelites"). It is a category (and word) that they created themselves a few hundred years ago to use as a shield to hide behind. It is a word designed specifically as a broad category to help promote their Association fallacy.
The PTB (those I mentioned AKA the Synagogue of Satan) purposefully created an Association Fallacy by which they could hide their actions. If people blame all Jews for the actions of those who sit at the top, then any attempt to talk about the evidence is literally Racist. It is a fabrication of reality, designed to create division, thus keeping the evidence of evil and the Real Source of that evil from reaching the public sphere.
You are confusing brainwashing with complicity. The entire world has been brainwashed, and we are all, by that brainwashing "complicit" by your definition. I believe that you have been brainwashed, since you believe in the Association Fallacy that they created for you to believe in. Please don't think I am singling you out with that, like me, and everyone else, we have all been brainwashed. There are many different brainwashing programs running. By your specific beliefs, you belong to the group that was purposefully created as the "other side" that allows them to use that "Association Fallacy" shield to hide their crimes.
If you mean "the Khazarians," my research suggests that they are one of the Tribes of Israel that moved to Scythian lands after the Diaspora. So technically, they are the same people. As for them being "converts," on the contrary, they created Judaism. They are the descendants of the Priest Class of Jews. What you may not appreciate is that there are many different "Judaisms." They created them all, but follow only one.
"God" didn't say anything about it at all. The person who wrote Revelation did. The author (unknown) said "synagogue" because the words "church" (a strictly Christian word, post Nicene convention (from the greek, "of the Lord"), though really post Reformation over a thousand years later) and "mosque" (a strictly muslim word, also created many centuries after Revelation) didn't exist yet. There is no "larger Jewish conspiracy" evidence in that word.
This is how propaganda works. First it is created by evil people (those mentioned). Then it gets pushed to their immediate constituency. Then those first brainwashed push it on others, then it goes everywhere, then an opposition movement is purposefully created (in this case those that believe in their Association Fallacy), the :"opposition" get their opposition propaganda, then they push it everywhere (see the Nazis, a group which they created), then Division is created, then a people are conquered.
This is the primary technique the C_A uses to control nations. They didn't get that technique from nowhere, on the contrary, they got it from the people who created them, AKA the same group we are talking about.
It's a lengthy response because there is a lot to explain. It's not however a "wall of text," on the contrary, it is well formatted. If you mean you don't want me to elaborate then I suggest you don't want to actually engage in meaningful conversation. If what you want is dumbed down exchanges and memes, Twatter is over there.
What did I say that was insulting? Perhaps you should read the next sentence after the one that you thought was "insulting."
Geez! What about the Pope and the freaking Catholic church! Pedophiles central. Mass graves within the Vatican walls. Many were children. How about the Jesuits who are actually accused of starting OSS. I'll need much more evidence then lip service regarding the whole "it's all the Jews fault". Maybe it is but seriously where is your evidence.
The evidence suggests the Vatican was a creation of the same group of people (that requires a TON of background, really a whole book, and since it shows who really created Christianity, the evidence is not generally well received).
The Jesuits were also started by that group of people. That has been known since their beginning. (Those are just easy starting references, there is so much evidence that supports this, I find it crazy that anyone doesn't realize that.)
The OSS was also started by the same group of people. (Started by Allen Dulles, an agent of Rockefeller/Rothschild (I'm currently writing a book that includes that evidence, first part here, but I haven't gotten to Dulles yet). It was also Allen Dulles who helped run the Nazi program (lots of stuff on that, but nothing "blatant", some will be in the book), stopped the Nazi program, started and ran the Cold War (evidence for that is everywhere, it's not even slightly controversial), etc. He did it all. He was a major player. He even "debunked" the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which "if true," explains everything, thus the "Debunking").
It's NOT THE JEWS. Their religion barely even resembles the canonical Judaism we understand today except in that they are the "chosen people."
If it's not the Jews then why are so many here disparaging them?? I believe we need to be VERY specific about who we call out and why. Not just saying "oh look so an so is a piece of crap...ya, she's a Jew". This is very divisive. And, if I was Jewish I would be offended and probably not come to this site anymore. We want truth here not alienation.
Please see my response here (from this thread) that explains why people believe it's "The Jews." Basically, they believe it is "The Jews" because the concept was created by the PTB as a form of brainwashed controlled opposition. There must be an opposition to force division to hide evidence.
Agreed. It is for this reason that I respond on this topic as I have on a regular basis, but overcoming brainwashing is hard.
"The Jew" brainwashing program was created specifically to create this division.
Exactly. So point being why define these other folks as Jews when they can call themselves whatever they want? It's their actions we need to call out. Not the religion they say they're part of. And, if it's true that there is a greater conspiracy here to be exposed them give us the background instead of assuming we all hate Jews here.
The people you are calling Jews are they really Jewish?
If the short answer is no then don't you think it might be less divisive to be really specific when making claims against these people bc they are "Jews"?
Hebrews call themselves Jews. Jews call themselves Jews. So wouldn't it make sense to be very careful when you make disparaging remarks about Jews since that term includes all people who worship a certain way? You're explaining it just fine. It seems my question is still unanswered.
There are Jews, Judahites, and there are Jews, Ashkenazi jews who are converts. The latter group are who is being talked about. They aren't actually Jewish and are Khazarian converts. They hate Christians, they hate Russians and Americans and want to destroy the world we built.
So no I suppose it isn't a religious war in those terms but we must know our enemy and that group are clearly our enemy.
At this point in the 5th generation war you might want to STRONGLY make that distinction. We wouldn't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The Khazarians are probably a group of people that moved away from Israel during the Diaspora. So to say they "aren't Jewish" is probably not true.
No sir. They were never from Israel. They are from what is today known as Ukraine. Generally the area between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea south of Russia and up into Ukraine. This was the area known as Khazaria in antiquity.
Plenty of info out there if one wishes to research and learn history.
Rothschild history
This was the area known as the Khazarian Khanate starting around 600 AD (not exactly "antiquity"). A Khanate is a "Kingdom of Scythia." They were a subgroup of the larger group of Scythian Tribes that ruled all of Asia and a large part of Europe for between 2500 to 5000 years. You may have heard of this Empire of Scythia as the "Tartarians." This Empire has been purposefully hidden from history.
Hidden Empire of Scythia
See Russia and her Colonies by Walter Kolartz, 1952, pages 31-41 (though specifically page 39). It shows that the USSR purposefully hid the Empire of Tartary from history.
The Tartarians are the Scythians. See:
I can’t find it atm, but there is a specific primary reference that talks about a group of people, one of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” crossing the Caucasus Mountains into the exact region later called the Khazarian Khanate. It isn’t too much of a stretch to think that they did there what they do everywhere, take over the leadership through Money Magic and Religion Magic. However, there is also plenty of evidence (archaeological, recorded historical, genetic, etc.) that suggests the entire original group of “Israelites” (descendants of Abraham through Israel) were originally a Scythian Outpost. By hiding the Scythian Empire that ruled the entire region for thousands of years from history, a metric fuckton of connections and real history has also been hidden.
but sometimes you have to dig a little deeper.
"Tartarians." This Empire has been purposefully hidden from history.
I was reading something recently about Scythia and I am banging my head trying to remember because it was very interesting but probably not related to this.
I am sure there is plenty of info out there that points to either Khazarians being actually Jewish or that Ashkenazi Jews are not of Khazarian descent, but they sure do like to hide and lie in history books. I have seen too much that makes me believe they were idol worshippers who converted and are not Judahites, (actual Jews).
As for Russia hiding history, I have no doubt all governments and countries do this. What is the old saying? History is written by the victors... How do we know they tell the truth? It's hard to know what is actually true that far back.
The problem with this is, there is too much evidence against the tribe of Judah actually being "Jews" in the sense that we understand it today (as in, followers of the religion we understand as Judaism today). That is a huge quagmire of a discussion however, and the evidence is flung far and wide. Also, people are generally unwilling to look at that evidence because their own beliefs rely on a specific "truth" of Judaism.
History isn't written by the victors, it's written by the publishers. It is the people who make the actual books that write history. Any book that is "popular" even if it is only "popular" among a subset of people (historians e.g.) is popular precisely because the book publishers, and those that control the information (propaganda) made it popular. This is a very important thing to understand when looking into history.
That aside, my investigation suggests that most of what is said in history books is true (where by "true" I mean corroborated by other independent sources and evidence). Now of course "most" is not "all," and I'm not suggesting it is, but "most" is a whole lot. It is the stuff that is left out where the real fuckery is. It is in the books that aren't well known where the most interesting leads are.
Regardless, I agree that knowing what's "true" is impossible in practice. Thus I work strictly on "levels of reasonable doubt." In other words, I think about whether or not a "statement of fact" has enough supporting evidence that I think it is likely true. I then consider what my doubts are, based on all the evidence I can find on it. Are my doubts based on the process of reason? Are they based on fear or other unrelated (or indirectly related) beliefs? From these questions (which get applied with each new piece of evidence) I construct a theory of "what really happened."
It actually works out pretty well. As I get more evidence, my main theory (which I have espoused to some small extent here) gets stronger and stronger. Every piece of evidence I find now fits in perfectly, further corroborating the main hypothesis. That doesn't make it true, but it does put it, for me, beyond a reasonable doubt. Unless and until new evidence comes that would give me a reasonable doubt (doubt based on the process of reason), it remains in that category.
Of course elaborating a theory to other people requires a great deal of effort, because the evidence is not easily shown. While there are a few "smoking guns," most of the evidence is only meaningful in context with other evidence. The whole "evidence chain" requires so much work to elaborate. Also there is good reason to doubt all sources, as you suggest. Thus the actual exposure to the greater reasons I believe my theory is validated takes a great deal of time, effort, and organization.
The beginning of this project of exposure to my investigation can be found here. It doesn't talk about anything like this yet, and even when it does, that exposure will be minimal because I am not trying to show this particular line of reasoning. The cognitive dissonance (from brainwashing) as it relates to "The Jews" is too great, especially among the larger populace, which is the target audience for my report.
That is the official version of history.
The "ruling elite of the Khazars" is a huge deep dive, and relates to the "Aryan race," the Elite Scythians, and omg, so much. There is SO MUCH THERE in that particular group, I don't even know where to begin. The Royal Scythians were the Aryan Race, for example... Now just try to work that into the common beliefs about the "Nazis".
Nevertheless, this is the official version of history (or close enough to). I suggest that isn't what actually happened, or at least there is a whole lot more to that story (that isn't understood), but to elaborate that requires so much background information, not to mention me digging up all the sources. Perhaps I should take the time to write that up formally.
Amen - how many wicked people hide behind a wall of religion or race to get into power?
Awkward phrase to use, agreed. Perhaps a nod to anons? Only two Q-Posts include "lifestyle" (actually from Wapo article title), references media focus on "QAnon".
"... You are now mainstream.
Handle w/ care.
The Great Awakening.
Q. ..."