I imagine it is similar to elections, if you control the counters, it doesn’t matter how many voters your opponent gets. Apply that to the IRS, if you control the IRS, it doesn’t matter how much taxes you are supposed to owe.
Campaign contributions from single taxpayer sources are limited, but not by corporations or lobby groups. Plus, when you're a big corp(se), you have the power to decide where your labor goes, which projects you're "willing" to start and fund in these pol's districts.
Thats why they all have non-profit orgs and companies in relative names.
Donations to non profits.
Contracts to companies.
Buying art/real estate at inflated prices
They all have "foundations" that take "donations".
They also have PACs and superPACs. They pay their relatives exorbitant amounts for no show jobs. When they take money from petty cash its a 100 grand.
The "donations" are also a tax write off.
I imagine it is similar to elections, if you control the counters, it doesn’t matter how many voters your opponent gets. Apply that to the IRS, if you control the IRS, it doesn’t matter how much taxes you are supposed to owe.
Campaign contributions from single taxpayer sources are limited, but not by corporations or lobby groups. Plus, when you're a big corp(se), you have the power to decide where your labor goes, which projects you're "willing" to start and fund in these pol's districts.
Btw, I think you spelled "grifts" wrong.
You write a book, and then a warehouse in the ass crack of nowhere buys a million copies for no apparent reason for one thing
A million copies that were never even printed.
Use littlesis.org. Type in a Politician or PAC. It'll show all the connections and such.