Seriously, why is it called pride month when it seem like the whole month is about sex?
I don't think it's an accident. Things don't just become month-long holidays by accident. I think there's something about the pedophilia or homosexuality that involves arrogance. Like people feeling big because they're manipulating a child or defying their biology. And the inferiority complexes and traumas that creates the superiority complexes.
I dunno, maybe we should have a month for each vice, then we can really become acquainted with our demons. Have sloth month with parades where we sit on couches and watch tv. Or maybe envy month, where we tell each other stories about how we're victims and everyone is oppressing us. Oh, and vanity month, where we all have to use instagram or stare in the mirror for several hours a day. Or gluttony month where we eat fried food till we're about to puke everyday. Lust month can have free porn for everyone.
Actually it will never work, the West already does all of these things every month. The holydays would go by and we probably wouldn't even notice.
Its societal demoralisation, part of the cabal plot to destroy society.
They outlined it in Soviet communist plans to take over the US.
Exactly!! It is ALL about the basest of human instincts as if it were something insurmountable. God provides rescue over lust, one need only confess and ask Him.
Do not give them any ideas FFS
Its SODOMY month. Call it for what its always been.
You can't get-- priDE MONth out of it. How true it is though.
I'd settle for a normal month, without clown shows, freak shows, minstrel shows and all the other bollocks going on month for month.
If it needs a name call it Based month, Normie month, MAGA month, Common fucking sense month or what ever, I just need a break from all the crazies.
this is basically the logic behind Mardi Gras and Carnaval.
A month for each deadly sin?