No Physical Mutilation or Medical, Scientific, or Biological Experiments.
In particular, no POW may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind that are not justified by the medical, dental, or hospital treatment of the POW concerned and carried out in his or her interest.109 The GWS and GWS-Sea also prohibit biological experiments on the wounded, sick, and shipwrecked.
This prohibition was established in the 1949 Geneva Conventions in order to prohibit expressly criminal practices that occurred during World War II and to prevent the wounded, sick, or shipwrecked in captivity from being used as “guinea pigs” for medical experiments.
The prohibition on subjecting the wounded, sick, or shipwrecked to biological
experiments does not prevent doctors from trying new treatments that are justified on medical grounds and are employed solely for therapeutic purposes.
Read this again:
The prohibition on subjecting the wounded, sick, or shipwrecked to biological experiments does not prevent doctors from trying new treatments that are justified on medical grounds and are employed solely for therapeutic purposes.
Don't let them call their torture, mutilation, and butchery of children "gender affirming care." Do not give them that loophole.
I also suspect that if we are being incredibly dense with a decode that they have anons among us who will give us a clue without us realising it.
The Q to anon channel has a function and that is to get us looking in the right places so that we can act as their loosely coupled civilian counterpart in the great awakening. They can't afford for us not to cotton on. There will be contingency plans to make sure that we decode properly.
I wonder how many places on the web are decoding this at the same time as you were.
Are they watching us and others to see how we decode things and how fast?
Do you remember, a long time ago, someone kind of showed up and said "Guise! I think 11.3 isn't a date - it's the Law of War Manual!"
Is everyone reading it?
This should be a reference book for everyone's use -- just like the dictionary.
It mentions the GC (Geneva Convention) as well.
For example, my interpretation is that these butchers know they are genociding people but try to get around it by calling it "gender affirming care."
That's why we mustn't let them get away with it.
page: 548 No Physical Mutilation or Medical, Scientific, or Biological Experiments.
In particular, no POW may be subjected to physical mutilation or to medical or scientific experiments of any kind that are not justified by the medical, dental, or hospital treatment of the POW concerned and carried out in his or her interest.109 The GWS and GWS-Sea also prohibit biological experiments on the wounded, sick, and shipwrecked.
This prohibition was established in the 1949 Geneva Conventions in order to prohibit expressly criminal practices that occurred during World War II and to prevent the wounded, sick, or shipwrecked in captivity from being used as “guinea pigs” for medical experiments.
The prohibition on subjecting the wounded, sick, or shipwrecked to biological experiments does not prevent doctors from trying new treatments that are justified on medical grounds and are employed solely for therapeutic purposes.
Read this again:
Don't let them call their torture, mutilation, and butchery of children "gender affirming care." Do not give them that loophole.
Underrated comment
I do read L of W, but i haven't read all of it. It will be interesting to see how this part works out. I agree with you that the situation fits.
I suspect they lurk here and other places too.
I also suspect that if we are being incredibly dense with a decode that they have anons among us who will give us a clue without us realising it.
The Q to anon channel has a function and that is to get us looking in the right places so that we can act as their loosely coupled civilian counterpart in the great awakening. They can't afford for us not to cotton on. There will be contingency plans to make sure that we decode properly.
Thank you to those guys!
You’re probably right. Friendly mil spooks, or “caspers” as I hear they like to be called…
I am sure there are times when there is much headshaking and mumbles of "oh frogs, what are we going to do with you??" 🐸🐸🐸
There have been a few indications that this is so.