“Elitists” must give up their mansions-must only own one modest house, must give up their collector cars-only one modest car per adult, all private airplanes owned or rented must be relinquished, travel beyond their state must be by permission only, they will be the first to live off bugs, mushrooms, wild berries and leaves for food.
Farmers aren't growing much food anyway. Just grains too high in mycotoxins for human consumption. Most grain grown in U.S. is shipped overseas. If you want real food grow it yourself.
John Kerry must stop breathing to meet 'Zero Tolerance' Goals for 'Traitors.'
Tell his wife to stop making ketchup.
I just had this awesome fantasy about a steamroller heading slowly toward these fellas....ty Austin Powers!
Does it include a woodchipper?
Always remember to freeze before chipping. Way less of a mess. And as a bonus it evenly spreads the fertilizer.
Freezing first negates the point of a woodchipper.
It's more of an environmentally sound disposal method.
Don't cheat the hogs out of a good meal.
I don't see why not...maybe with paint sprayer attachment
Well we are the carbon they want to eliminate so no food would accomplish that.
it really didn't take much propaganda at all...
people are this stupid.
Daddy Trump needs to take all those bad boys out in the back and give him a big whoop’ng.
I'm not growing food ---- I growing biodiesel for your jet Lord Kerry.
Kerry needs a helicopter ride
“Elitists” must give up their mansions-must only own one modest house, must give up their collector cars-only one modest car per adult, all private airplanes owned or rented must be relinquished, travel beyond their state must be by permission only, they will be the first to live off bugs, mushrooms, wild berries and leaves for food.
what about your jets, horse face Kerry? are you gonna give them up?? no? well we aren't going to give anything up either.
Farmers aren't growing much food anyway. Just grains too high in mycotoxins for human consumption. Most grain grown in U.S. is shipped overseas. If you want real food grow it yourself.
boycott of Heinz food products coming up