I used to dismiss https://www.ingersolllockwood.com/ but now I think it could be hugely important.
Used to think "it's all part of the show" was exaggerated and silly, but now I find myself wondering if white hats have their hand in nearly every major news story.
Going the other way...
I'm embarrassed to admit I followed Lin Wood during the first part of 2021. Now certain he's a fraud.
Until late last year I was convinced the military was about to roll in anytime a big story broke. Now I see that sort of thinking as counterproductive hopium that leads only to chronic letdown and fatigue.
If this thread catches on I'll come up with more.
I have intensely studied the Ramsey case....I am quite aware of the rabbit hole concerning the Ramseys...I just threw this short synopsis of Wood's cases out because he was best known for the Olympic Park bombing...but I see you are only interested in Wood as he relates to the Ramsey case...sorry...didn't mean to give you something you didn't want...I certainly did not equate the wiki info with a "rabbit hole"...I will delete it...
Sorry, for that, fren. Let the info were it is - we are working together hand in hand to get info out. Yes, I had a different focus.
Hand in hand.
Don't that just make ya smile frens?
It might be useful for Anons if you and u/tweety51A were to post a deep dig into Lin Wood from all angles.
I really don't know much about him that would be deep...I live in GA so I followed him to the extent most people did until he fell from grace...not sure there are really any rabbit holes or spectacular info...his kids somewhat disowned him and he bought property in N. or S. Carolina and has a business there...