I remember seeing Ms Rodas testify recently to Congress. Had no idea that she reached out to James O'Keefe at Project Veritas. This is the interview on Project Veritas. They also talk to some of the kids.
My heart breaks for these children. Truly victims and it's not just men that are profiting. Women as well. They're the lowest form of scum on the earth. A millstone would be too kind. They all need to be burned alive and turned into fucking dust. Every single one of them.
Exactly. This mountain of corruption controlling Maricopa county AZ. Notice how quickly they stopped talking about it? Uncover the election fraud involves exposure of all the tentacles of the AZ/cartels/money laundering/ child trafficking. Hobbs is their complete tool.
This is what happened to 600 unaccompanied kids Obama let in all at once that were housed in NM and AZ then the tracking of them "disappeared". Obama is an evil POS
TikToc (aka TIC/TOC) these are program names for tracking and catching international child trafficking gangs!!!
TIC = Trusted International Connections in CISA
TOC = Transnational Organized Crime at DHS
it's about the children
UAP in media instead of UFO = Unaccompanied Persons (children)
Alien literally means "foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living."
"an illegal alien"
The US is going to start allowing private sponsor groups. The US is expecting the first group of refugees sponsored by private individuals instead of resettlement agencies like catholic charities coming in the next few weeks. It's called Welcome Corp and is based off a similar thing that Canada has done.
This is a government worker who volunteered to go help kids at the border.
Ended up realizing the kids were being trafficked.
No Hollywood, no actors, just the real thing. An actual red pill.
First, this lady needs to be protected ASAP. Then we need her on more public forums BEFORE bringing her testimony to Congress.
She already testified before congress. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tZBt8hekZts&pp=ygUOQ29uZ3Jlc3Mgcm9kYXM%3D
Thanks for the link.
I remember seeing Ms Rodas testify recently to Congress. Had no idea that she reached out to James O'Keefe at Project Veritas. This is the interview on Project Veritas. They also talk to some of the kids.
My heart breaks for these children. Truly victims and it's not just men that are profiting. Women as well. They're the lowest form of scum on the earth. A millstone would be too kind. They all need to be burned alive and turned into fucking dust. Every single one of them.
when the kids are worn from sex trafficking they get sent to the organ harvesters. it's closed loop of profiting off the world's most vulnerable.
This is the reality. The ultimate horror, knowledge of which breaks people. Puts them in the hospital indeed.
The Light is coming. And nobody can stop It. Nobody.
And we get goofy stories about a Trump conversation that means absolutely nothing but played over and over.
They need to investigate Katie Hobbs and that whole Arizona cartel into child trafficking, it's bad and blatant.
Exactly. This mountain of corruption controlling Maricopa county AZ. Notice how quickly they stopped talking about it? Uncover the election fraud involves exposure of all the tentacles of the AZ/cartels/money laundering/ child trafficking. Hobbs is their complete tool.
Imagine going to volunteer to just help but figuring out that it is a giant criminal enterprise using US taxpayer's money.
This is what happened to 600 unaccompanied kids Obama let in all at once that were housed in NM and AZ then the tracking of them "disappeared". Obama is an evil POS
TikToc (aka TIC/TOC) these are program names for tracking and catching international child trafficking gangs!!! TIC = Trusted International Connections in CISA TOC = Transnational Organized Crime at DHS
it's about the children
UAP in media instead of UFO = Unaccompanied Persons (children) Alien literally means "foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living." "an illegal alien"
The US is going to start allowing private sponsor groups. The US is expecting the first group of refugees sponsored by private individuals instead of resettlement agencies like catholic charities coming in the next few weeks. It's called Welcome Corp and is based off a similar thing that Canada has done.