It looks like all of the Big Media is running stories about it, and some are trying to link it to climate change (go figure, and warning about the LA Times link).
However, could this be really a comm related to child trafficking? Sriracha Sauce is from Thailand, which is a known hub for trafficking, and in certain circles (mostly college aged kindergarteners), Sriracha is also called "cock sauce" because of the rooster on the label.
What are your thoughts?
Made in California not Thailand.
Gruesome and his water policies are to blame for the shortage.
The company only uses chilis from a single farm in Calif so they can control the quality of their ingredients.
But Gruesome has severely cut water to the region so they have almost no chilis to produce product.
At least that is what I have heard.
don’t know much about this^ but I remember HRC talking about carrying hot sauce in her purse, said she couldn’t travel without it
There was an issue a few years ago with the company's US plant exhausting gases from the processing into a residential neighborhood. It was around 2010 and there was a shortage then
What if makers of Sriracha were laundering child trafficking money in their financials ?
This company was involved in a lawsuit against them a few years ago and started their own brand. The farm grew all the peppers and now has their own brand. Underwood Ranches
BTW, Siracha contains sulphites....not sure what they do but I stopped eating it when I saw that...
I just hope the curry mustard stays stocked
Sri Racha means 'Great King' when defined literally. Fwiw.
Comms for adrenachom?