Hear, hear. Thomas Sowell said taking away privliage will seem like racism because they have gotten use to being given privliage. REMEMBER THIS. in the next few years the people who Benifitted will cry racist over and over. They will scream that they now will have to compete on marit. Never understanding that they were given preference in front of deserving people. For example one girl in Florida could not even form a coherent sentence during an interview. She used words " I axed dem why day eat my snacks" ridiculous. This was a collage student who could not even speak at an adult educated level. She had no business being in college. At best she needed to go back to primary school.
Funny you mention this, I was thinking yesterday about a story I recently read where another pro golfer asked him for a ride to the airport and Tiger left him behind. As a result he missed the flight….and so on. When he asked Tiger about it, he simply responded ‘play better’. THAT should be the answer in this case; be better, work harder, etc.
Actually Jesus would frown on Tiger's actions, in this case. Just because Tiger is a big shot, it doesn't entitle him to forget about the other players.
Ok then, I’ll explain I to you. Have you ever heard the term ‘tough love’? By not making things easier for someone, they might in fact learn a lesson.
Maybe you believe in Participation Trophies? If that’s the case, disregard all I’ve written and best of luck to you.
I heard of both concepts, but they don't apply to two competitors outside of a golf tournament.
BTW: I know Tough Love is when a person faces their own intervention while Participation Trophies are given to every competitor of an event. Again, none of it applies to competitors leaving a golf tournament. All Tiger had to do was give another golfer a ride to the airport. He chose not to do it and that is wrong in my eyes.
First, ever hear of the First Tee program? Maybe you ask Tony Finau, Vijay Singh and loads of others about that argument of yours. Bubba Watson has never had a lesson but it worked out pretty well, yes?
I grew up pretty poor and couldn’t play golf and am white so what’s your point? My mother was white and picked cotton in Arkansas, my Irish ancestors were slaves and yes, I’ve traced that back.
There comes a time when people need to assess and act; your health, relationships, job, location, education, etc etc. Standing still and blaming others leads to more of same.
You mean how I could have played golf every day as a child if my parents were members of the Country Club, but instead I had to work hard to earn greens fees and eventually ended up working at a golf course for the benefits, all while going to college and working ANOTHER job.?? Golf is very expensive. The reason kids around the world play soccer, is because all you need for 20 guys(gals) is a Ball and some grass.
A man by the name of Severino Ballesteros learned to golf with a single club, a 3 iron. For years, he practiced on the beach because his parents were poor. He sneaked onto the nearby country club at night until he was caught. They hired him as a groundskeeper and his game took off. The rest is history. He won 5 Major Championships and died tragically of brain cancer at 54 ( talk about unfair!! )
Racism wasn't keeping blacks from playing. They had other interests for the most part, but blacks have been playing golf and working in the golf industry for a long time. Were their White Only clubs? YES, but they we'rent letting my broke ass in, either, and there were hundreds of municipal golf courses open to all. Just like everything else we ignore, blacks have a proud history in the game, long before Tiger Woods.
By the way... If historic racism is a thing, how did MILLIONS of Blacks live a middle class existence during the first 3 quarters of the 20th Century?
Your first two points are about individuals, who could just be statistical outliers.
Golf does require a lot more investment than soccer, basketball, etc, but the broader questions is whether they had the same opportunity to pursue these hobbies to the professional level. Not the foundation of my point, but just food for thought: What percentage of the white population gets private lessons vs percentage of the black?
As to your last point, what percentage of the black population were middle class vs percentage of white population that were middle class? What was the comparative personal wealth of black vs white for that time period? Do you think, on average, there was the same about of bootstraps being pulled by each side to become middle class?
I don't mean to pick on you, it's just a really complicated topic which is why I didn't think a golf analogy could do it justice.
Hear, hear. Thomas Sowell said taking away privliage will seem like racism because they have gotten use to being given privliage. REMEMBER THIS. in the next few years the people who Benifitted will cry racist over and over. They will scream that they now will have to compete on marit. Never understanding that they were given preference in front of deserving people. For example one girl in Florida could not even form a coherent sentence during an interview. She used words " I axed dem why day eat my snacks" ridiculous. This was a collage student who could not even speak at an adult educated level. She had no business being in college. At best she needed to go back to primary school.
Funny you mention this, I was thinking yesterday about a story I recently read where another pro golfer asked him for a ride to the airport and Tiger left him behind. As a result he missed the flight….and so on. When he asked Tiger about it, he simply responded ‘play better’. THAT should be the answer in this case; be better, work harder, etc.
Actually Jesus would frown on Tiger's actions, in this case. Just because Tiger is a big shot, it doesn't entitle him to forget about the other players.
You entirely missed the point.
No I didn't. Play better is not an excuse for not being able to help your fellow man.
Ok then, I’ll explain I to you. Have you ever heard the term ‘tough love’? By not making things easier for someone, they might in fact learn a lesson. Maybe you believe in Participation Trophies? If that’s the case, disregard all I’ve written and best of luck to you.
I heard of both concepts, but they don't apply to two competitors outside of a golf tournament.
BTW: I know Tough Love is when a person faces their own intervention while Participation Trophies are given to every competitor of an event. Again, none of it applies to competitors leaving a golf tournament. All Tiger had to do was give another golfer a ride to the airport. He chose not to do it and that is wrong in my eyes.
I'm surprised by two things, 1) that it took this long to rule it unconstitutional, and 2) that California had instituted this a few years ago.
First, ever hear of the First Tee program? Maybe you ask Tony Finau, Vijay Singh and loads of others about that argument of yours. Bubba Watson has never had a lesson but it worked out pretty well, yes?
I grew up pretty poor and couldn’t play golf and am white so what’s your point? My mother was white and picked cotton in Arkansas, my Irish ancestors were slaves and yes, I’ve traced that back. There comes a time when people need to assess and act; your health, relationships, job, location, education, etc etc. Standing still and blaming others leads to more of same.
You've detailed the experiences of a number of individuals
White kids attend basketball camps….
You mean how I could have played golf every day as a child if my parents were members of the Country Club, but instead I had to work hard to earn greens fees and eventually ended up working at a golf course for the benefits, all while going to college and working ANOTHER job.?? Golf is very expensive. The reason kids around the world play soccer, is because all you need for 20 guys(gals) is a Ball and some grass.
A man by the name of Severino Ballesteros learned to golf with a single club, a 3 iron. For years, he practiced on the beach because his parents were poor. He sneaked onto the nearby country club at night until he was caught. They hired him as a groundskeeper and his game took off. The rest is history. He won 5 Major Championships and died tragically of brain cancer at 54 ( talk about unfair!! )
Racism wasn't keeping blacks from playing. They had other interests for the most part, but blacks have been playing golf and working in the golf industry for a long time. Were their White Only clubs? YES, but they we'rent letting my broke ass in, either, and there were hundreds of municipal golf courses open to all. Just like everything else we ignore, blacks have a proud history in the game, long before Tiger Woods.
By the way... If historic racism is a thing, how did MILLIONS of Blacks live a middle class existence during the first 3 quarters of the 20th Century?
Your first two points are about individuals, who could just be statistical outliers.
Golf does require a lot more investment than soccer, basketball, etc, but the broader questions is whether they had the same opportunity to pursue these hobbies to the professional level. Not the foundation of my point, but just food for thought: What percentage of the white population gets private lessons vs percentage of the black?
As to your last point, what percentage of the black population were middle class vs percentage of white population that were middle class? What was the comparative personal wealth of black vs white for that time period? Do you think, on average, there was the same about of bootstraps being pulled by each side to become middle class?
I don't mean to pick on you, it's just a really complicated topic which is why I didn't think a golf analogy could do it justice.
I think it works perfectly.
You're an incredibly droll person.
I never took a lesson. Became a scratch golfer in my 20's and 30's. Face it, blacks are spending their money on other shit than golf.