'The Truman Show' and Q 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by MikeTheCubed ago by MikeTheCubed +102 / -2

I had previously watched The Truman Show about half a dozen times, but not since before following Q. Having now watched it again I made a few potentially noteworthy observations which to my knowledge and a brief search have not been covered here before (previous discussion appears to be centred around President Truman, the CIA, Rothschilds etc).

  • It was said that Truman's birth was watched by 1.7 million viewers

  • There were 5 candidate babies to become Truman, but the one which did become Truman (having been born 2 weeks premature) was said to have "arrived on cue"

  • Truman's awakening begins right at the start of the movie when a light labelled 'Sirius (9 canis major)' falls from the sky (Sky Event)

  • After Truman goes missing and begins his escape, the various actors come together to form a search party for Truman, however this is said to be difficult due to it being night time. The executive producer Christof then makes the decision to abruptly switch from night time to day time (Darkness to Light)

  • Christof's final resort towards preventing Truman's escape is a storm

  • The age of the Truman character was 29 at the beginning of the movie, but 30 by the time of his escape (Done in 30)