Still maintain the Game Theory that RFK Jr. acts as a hedge against a Clown-pushed Democrat challenger to Biden. The below assumes two things. They're not easy statements to swallow, depending on how far deep you're into it:
Biden is a White Hat Puppet
Most major networks are Flipped to the Patriots to some degree
In this scenario, any Democrat Clown-backed candidate would require nationally televised debates. In which case RFK would have to be part of as well. You'll have the whole country learning about vaccines, Simpsonwood, and any number of Clown World taboos.
What people don’t seem to grasp is that they do ALL of this on purpose—-crazy president, destruction of popular brands, wealth inequity, etc., so you’ll STOP IDENTIFYING with America and all of the things we identify as being uniquely American: Bud Lite, movies, the office of the president.
Everyday, they do things to get us to dislike and give up on our country. They plant cocaine in the White House, they don’t punish the corrupt….EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS has just one reason behind it——
The Great Reset! They can’t have us still loving America and get us to accept a One World Government at the same time.
It’s about destroying our perceptions every single day! Crazy president in the White House? On purpose!
Bud Lite now woke? On purpose!
Horrible movies from Hollywood? On purpose!
The message?! Stop identifying with America so one day you’ll accept the New World Order!
You underestimate the Enemy if you think they aren't Media savvy. Clowns have not only controlled our Media for the last century, they WERE our Media until late 2018.
You have to give it to Clowns, they know how to make money. It's what they value the most, and they are exceedingly competent in it. They do not shoot themselves in the foot willingly. There is undoubtedly motivation by Clowns to make us lose patriotism in our country, but the most egregious examples in the last 5 years are too egregious.
Instead of boiling the frogs slowly, its ramped up too quickly.
The 'Great Reset' is not even a threat anymore. Patriots worldwide are at the cleanup stage. Even the Fed is Flipped and owned, Steve Mnuchin saw to that.
They’re NOT giving up on the Great Reset. No way in hell. But what they do well is get us confused about all the things we love about America and identify with. Everyday all day.
They installed a crazy president on purpose. He’s not a white hat! He’s there to get us to stop identifying with the office of the president! They make ALL of American life a sham. Every corner of it. Every facet of it.
I'm enjoying a Renaissance of American Made products that we haven't had for 40-50 years.
The bs they're crashing barely impacts me. I don't drink, smoke, watch TV, listen to radio, or buy really any big brands. I'm unlucky if I set foot in Wal mart 1x per year. Is comfy here.
I don't associate any of those things with America. I associate Bud Lite, Hollywood, the faux president, cocaine in the White House - all of that is the twisted, demented radical Left. They are not and NEVER WILL BE America. They are the non-American freaks who reside here. They are RESIDENTS only and not real Americans. WE ARE THE AMERICANS and we will take our country back!!!
So if the people stop identifying with brands and officeholders etc. that are symbolic of America, perhaps it's because they realize those entities have abandoned America, have become hollow shells. Perhaps the people are being reacquainted with what America really is, the pillars we stand on. After all, isn't that what a Great Awakening is?
I think your scenario is partly true and plays alongside, like a double movie.
It’s really quite simple though. If you want a One World Government, and they do, you have to take down the most powerful country in the world. And how do you do that?
You destroy all of its foundations, sometimes slowly, sometimes faster—but you wake up and do that everyday. It’s fun to watch what they pick next to undermine. They’re doing these things on purpose. And everyone falls for it.
What's interesting is...Comms are suggesting that Biden will have ZERO internet support this election. Zero. We are talking about a complete collapse of the Left wing agenda, and all the 'Useful Idiots' along with it.
These are the ones that make up that 4-6% unrecoverable demographic, now that you mention it.
Within a year's time, we may be witness to the largest cultural pendulum shift that the internet has ever seen. All done to disillusion and break free as many as possible, until that illusion is forcibly shattered for them.
Biden won't be the nominee. He's a DS puppet that is no longer useful.
DS began laying the groundwork for his 25th amendment removal months ago. That's the reason his gaffes are sometimes intentional - he's doing them on purpose.
The appearance of dementia accomplishes two things: gives the DS an excuse to rotate Biden out, and gives him a legal defense if / when he is prosecuted.
Still maintain the Game Theory that RFK Jr. acts as a hedge against a Clown-pushed Democrat challenger to Biden. The below assumes two things. They're not easy statements to swallow, depending on how far deep you're into it:
In this scenario, any Democrat Clown-backed candidate would require nationally televised debates. In which case RFK would have to be part of as well. You'll have the whole country learning about vaccines, Simpsonwood, and any number of Clown World taboos.
What people don’t seem to grasp is that they do ALL of this on purpose—-crazy president, destruction of popular brands, wealth inequity, etc., so you’ll STOP IDENTIFYING with America and all of the things we identify as being uniquely American: Bud Lite, movies, the office of the president.
Everyday, they do things to get us to dislike and give up on our country. They plant cocaine in the White House, they don’t punish the corrupt….EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS has just one reason behind it——
The Great Reset! They can’t have us still loving America and get us to accept a One World Government at the same time.
It’s about destroying our perceptions every single day! Crazy president in the White House? On purpose!
Bud Lite now woke? On purpose!
Horrible movies from Hollywood? On purpose!
The message?! Stop identifying with America so one day you’ll accept the New World Order!
You underestimate the Enemy if you think they aren't Media savvy. Clowns have not only controlled our Media for the last century, they WERE our Media until late 2018.
You have to give it to Clowns, they know how to make money. It's what they value the most, and they are exceedingly competent in it. They do not shoot themselves in the foot willingly. There is undoubtedly motivation by Clowns to make us lose patriotism in our country, but the most egregious examples in the last 5 years are too egregious.
Instead of boiling the frogs slowly, its ramped up too quickly.
The 'Great Reset' is not even a threat anymore. Patriots worldwide are at the cleanup stage. Even the Fed is Flipped and owned, Steve Mnuchin saw to that.
They’re NOT giving up on the Great Reset. No way in hell. But what they do well is get us confused about all the things we love about America and identify with. Everyday all day.
They installed a crazy president on purpose. He’s not a white hat! He’s there to get us to stop identifying with the office of the president! They make ALL of American life a sham. Every corner of it. Every facet of it.
This 20 second clip alone won't prove to you that he's white hat, but it will prove to you that his mental gaffes are 100% Comms.
I'm enjoying a Renaissance of American Made products that we haven't had for 40-50 years.
The bs they're crashing barely impacts me. I don't drink, smoke, watch TV, listen to radio, or buy really any big brands. I'm unlucky if I set foot in Wal mart 1x per year. Is comfy here.
I don't associate any of those things with America. I associate Bud Lite, Hollywood, the faux president, cocaine in the White House - all of that is the twisted, demented radical Left. They are not and NEVER WILL BE America. They are the non-American freaks who reside here. They are RESIDENTS only and not real Americans. WE ARE THE AMERICANS and we will take our country back!!!
That's an excellent summary, AtomicBlonde. Your comment makes sense out of almost everything we see them doing lately.
So if the people stop identifying with brands and officeholders etc. that are symbolic of America, perhaps it's because they realize those entities have abandoned America, have become hollow shells. Perhaps the people are being reacquainted with what America really is, the pillars we stand on. After all, isn't that what a Great Awakening is?
I think your scenario is partly true and plays alongside, like a double movie.
It’s really quite simple though. If you want a One World Government, and they do, you have to take down the most powerful country in the world. And how do you do that?
You destroy all of its foundations, sometimes slowly, sometimes faster—but you wake up and do that everyday. It’s fun to watch what they pick next to undermine. They’re doing these things on purpose. And everyone falls for it.
Destroy America from the inside out...we won't even notice what's happening...
I predict new Patriotic brands are gonna eventually replace the obsolete cabal owned ones
Things have taken an interesting turn for sure. To be honest, it would be boring if it was just Trump vs this humiliated version of Biden.
What's interesting is...Comms are suggesting that Biden will have ZERO internet support this election. Zero. We are talking about a complete collapse of the Left wing agenda, and all the 'Useful Idiots' along with it.
These are the ones that make up that 4-6% unrecoverable demographic, now that you mention it.
Within a year's time, we may be witness to the largest cultural pendulum shift that the internet has ever seen. All done to disillusion and break free as many as possible, until that illusion is forcibly shattered for them.
Biden won't be the nominee. He's a DS puppet that is no longer useful.
DS began laying the groundwork for his 25th amendment removal months ago. That's the reason his gaffes are sometimes intentional - he's doing them on purpose.
The appearance of dementia accomplishes two things: gives the DS an excuse to rotate Biden out, and gives him a legal defense if / when he is prosecuted.
Erica Marsh being publicly exposed was the first of many steps.
That's an interesting name, the one who funded The Finder's 'Game Caller', CIA George Pettie.
What is Simpsonwood? I missed that one.