These random coincidences for all the things going on right now in our world (from global impact to trivial) are really mind-blowing and supernatural when you stop and think about it.
Reportedly if they forced a drug screen on WS people would be shocked what the drug screen would expose. Illegal to prescribed medications with no prescription .
Are you f’ing kidding me right now?
watch the water
Don made a "U6"
Well well...
These random coincidences for all the things going on right now in our world (from global impact to trivial) are really mind-blowing and supernatural when you stop and think about it.
Thank you for posting this!
I thought the DonStorm was going to draw a sky benis. This is so much better.
Hopefully a sign the WH control the weather now.
I wish they were in control of Wallstreet or inflation.
Or da border.
Reportedly if they forced a drug screen on WS people would be shocked what the drug screen would expose. Illegal to prescribed medications with no prescription .
Looks more like a mirrored, lower case q ... Or a watermelon headed tadpole of sorts.
Very interesting. 🤔