"I am not going on Twitter, I am going to stay on Truth," - Trump (But it's no longer "twitter")
🤔💠Theory 😲💡
Trump previously said he wouldn't go back on Twitter.
But now it's called "X" so......
Just a thought with the big Delta coming up tomorrow (Post 1739)
How does that affect "Look to Twitter....." If Twitter doesn't exist?
Maybe we should cross reference any X marks the spot drops?..
Maybe if you type in twitter.com it redirects to X so you are still "looking to" twitter
If you look at someone and they change their name are you still looking at them? Yes.
If a street you work on changes it's name are do you need to take a different route to get to work? No.
so if someone posts to X are they posting to twitter?
But DJT said he's not going back to Twitter. According to your reasoning, if he goes back to X he's going back to twitter.
How can you have it both ways? Twitter is still twitter even though its X, but if DJT goes to X, he's going back to X, not twitter ("I am not going back to twitter").
We'll watch the delta. Is the name change significant in relation to Q and DJT? I dunno. I mean, why did DJT say he wasn't going back to twitter in the first place?
He has every right to change his mind and return, but I think its a bit of a stretch to posit that he only said what he said because he knew that later on, Twitter would not be called twitter, but something else.
At least you're asking questions, anyway. updoogle
Q said "Look to twitter..."
Trump said "I'm not going back to twitter..."
If I'm looking to twitter and the name changed I'm still looking in the same place. If that was not the case that would make the Q post wrong.
If Trump said he's not going back to twitter he's still able to go to x without breaking his word. New company, new owner, same place.
If examined as 2 separate statements from 2 different parties, my reasoning still holds without contradiction.
Just thinking logically and outside the box. Love the input and feedback.
I think I get what your saying, but I dunno....
To some extent, a mythology has grown up around that drop:
Seems like some anons are waiting for this drop to manifest. I don't quite hold out that expectation.
I guess my view is that the Q operation had certain objectives, the primary one was instigating outside the media community and a great awakening worldwide, as the groundswell to complement the other aspects of the Cabal destroying war. As part of the psywar, there were objectives that by and large have been fulfilled.
I don't see Trump landing on Twitter and posting that to be an important aspect at all. Moreover, the drop does not specify Trump, or Potus. That is the expectation, not an unreasonable one, but an assumption nonetheless.
But the biggest factor for me is that the Storm has been upon us for almost 3 years. We've been in the storm. Posting "The storm is upon us" would almost seem pointless to me. If we haven't been in the storm since Jan 2021, then what the heck has been going on...?
2020 Dec
2022 Dec
One possibility I can see that MIGHT be would be if/when DJT is returned to the Potus position and then the hammer is dropped. But to my mind, the hammer most likely dropped a long time ago. Behind the scenes, many many of the Cabal positions have been neutralized, and its now a matter of cleanup.
Like in a sting operation, when it erupts or emerges in to the public light, 80% of the work has already been done.
Commensurate with that, a critical part is the waking up of the population so that there is a popular mandate to execute certain things: restructure / reform of certain institutions (FBI), dissolving of others (CIA), prosecution of high level criminals (Fmr presidents, sec of state, heads of departments etc) and full exposure and prosecution of all the middle levels of corrupt deep state, which DJT has said he will "obliterate".
Without a public mandate, it cannot be done effectively. And this is exactly why the Biden administration has been necessary.
If DJT ever fulfills this "My Fellow Americans, the Storm..." drop in a tweet or other form, I would be pretty surprised. Then again, we've had a lot of surprises along the way, don't you think?
It's an amazing awesome movie (real life drama movie). My desire to watch films has dropped massively in the past several years, primarily because nothing really tops what I'm observing and following every day for drama, excitement, meaningfulness, twists and turns, epic events and actions.
Maybe, as bad as it's been, it'll get a lot worse. I think we have not seen shit yet and things will reach fever pitch over the next year and a half.
Huh. Thanks for sharing.
My country and people went through a taste of absolute orwellian hell (psychologically and materially) during 2020 and 2021. For whatever reason, I don't actually see things getting worse, really. I think they will certainly intensify, but I don't see serious pain and difficulty being ratcheted up in the future. Psychologically, but not in terms of the country collapsing, etc. But maybe that's just me.
I don't see how we avoid this scenario. I'm with you
If DJT posted these words to his twatter account it would mean Game ON, for me at least. A small societal nuke with real consequence. I expect chaos
They’re still suspending accounts like they did before Musk.
I doubt Musk would suspend Trumps account for a number of reasons. One of many is that he would risk loosing DoD contracts if Trump won in 2024.
The delta tomorrow - https://greatawakening.win/p/16bj9xXVMQ/interesting-delta-tomorrow-thing/c/
not selling my dwac that's for sure
I'm a believer. Buying cheap
Good on him I feel the same way
He isn’t going to Twitter or X because they can unilaterally decide to suspend his account. . . again. That won’t happen on Truth.
I think you missed the point.
I also doubt Musk would suspend Trumps account for a number of reasons. One of many is that he would risk loosing DoD contracts if Trump won in 2024.
Zoom out dude.
Yeah dude it’s just one sentence we want to see. One tiny post bruh!
he also said he's gonna stay on truth, and last I checked twitter isn't truth, sooo...
I can stay on Facebook and go to truth. Digital presence isn't limited to one place at a time. Only physical presence has that limitation.
This is a 4D chess board.
I think 45 should stick with Truth Social.
When the canceling was at its worst there was talk of parallel societies. Trump stepped up and made one we could trust. Then Elon stepped in and "fixed" the problem by buying Twitter.
Not saying it's a bad thing, more people got redpilled, and that's a W, but the convenience of the situation is obvious. Twitter was a crime scene -- EM himself has said as much, and we have no news of legal actions or investigation into those matters, yet. Until we do, I am skeptical. Parallel societies are still the answer.