Maybe. For me it's a matter of numbers.... how many people have been affected.
COVID hoax: Millions, if not billions of people.
Trans hoax: Hundreds, maybe thousands.
In both cases it's hard to get at actual numbers because in the case of COVID [they] don't want the numbers out there and we're having to put them together from disparate sources. In the trans brouhaha, [they] want to INFLATE the numbers and make us think there are way MORE trans people than there really are.
That's the biggest. The Covid and vaxx. I want to think that they were trying to see the IQ of the people and those who were low on IQ can disappeared while they want us (the higher IQ) people to serve them.
Chloe did an interesting interview with Jordan Peterson. I know there's a lot of wonk and weirdness around him and influences in his life as well.
Poor girl was mutilated.
2nd biggest. It's not like she was given a choice to either transition or give up her career.
I came here to say exactly that. The BIGGEST medical scandal is the covid hoax and the killer vaxx"es. People were forced or coerced to take them.
I think it's fair to tie these scandals for first, since they both caused terrible harm.
Maybe. For me it's a matter of numbers.... how many people have been affected.
COVID hoax: Millions, if not billions of people.
Trans hoax: Hundreds, maybe thousands.
In both cases it's hard to get at actual numbers because in the case of COVID [they] don't want the numbers out there and we're having to put them together from disparate sources. In the trans brouhaha, [they] want to INFLATE the numbers and make us think there are way MORE trans people than there really are.
We are being lied to.
That's the biggest. The Covid and vaxx. I want to think that they were trying to see the IQ of the people and those who were low on IQ can disappeared while they want us (the higher IQ) people to serve them.
That thought has crossed my mind
We have high IQ
I know a whole lot of "educated dummies" who fell for the propaganda....and they even urged me to fall for it too.
I have several educated dummies who tried to use religion on top of smart. I couldn't believe them. You and I both.
Seems backwards. Like they should want all the stupid ones, easier to control. Smart people tend to cause revolutions and stuff.
LOL. The dummies died too quickly.
Her interview with Jordan Peterson was heartbreaking.
Her parents are eejits. " You need a license to catch a fish ..."
Her birthday was yesterday, that make her a Lioness ♌️
M to f or f to m?
The biggest scandal THIS year.
Anyone who sees the light and tries to undo the damage has some respect from me.
No refunds
Chloe did an interesting interview with Jordan Peterson. I know there's a lot of wonk and weirdness around him and influences in his life as well.