Maybe Dave has "checked it out himself" Maybe he hasnt. Does any anon know for sure?
I do know Dave has interviewed Patel Patriot, the person who originated and popularized the Devolution Theory that's focused on Trumps possible use of Devolution so Dave has some foundational understanding of the theory.
However, checking out the Devolution Theory =/= checking out someone who's talking about the theory thats now popular in some alt media circles.
Also, interviewing someone =/= trusting someone.
Q trained anons distinguish between guessing and knowing. They also typically prefer to say "I don't have enough information right now to have an opinion" to avoid mind clutter and confusion.
Personally, when I'm interested in Devolution I turn to the originator of the Devolution Theory, Patel Patriot, because he has written 33 plus, heavily researched and primary sourced articles on the subject and has done countless interviews, including with Dave, since 2021.
For me, this topic is so densely complex it requires careful reading, follow up research and reflection that's impossible during an oral presentation.
Others may feel differently, especially those who weren't part of the chans and/or didn't go through Q training from 2017 through 2020 and that's OK with me.
what if ... instead of reading Patel or listening to Derek or X22 ... you actually read the documents? Look at the EOs. Peruse Law of War Manual. Double check the UCMJ. Rather than wait for someone to chew your food for you, actually make an effort to read legal documents for yourself and form your own opinion.
what if I prefer to read all of the documents you mentioned in articles that organize those documents in a coherent way, adds timelines that are sourced and offers questions that inspire further research rather than digging through hay stacks of raw public data looking for needles?
"Just a thought" perhaps avoid conflating those who choose not to make everything they eat from scratch with those who expect others to chew their food for them?
"Just a thought" perhaps avoid conflating people who prefer to read primary sourced "legal documents" that have been organized in a coherent way with someone who won't make the effort to read those documents, do further research and form their own opinions?
Devolution =/= The Devolution Theory that's based on Patels research into Devolution; research that began in late 2020.
Thanks for reminding me of Wictor though. He and Cliff_High were the ones who inspired me to pay attention to Patel Patriots research and theories about Trumps possible use of Devolution.
Common sense and an understanding of Military laws and orders led Derek Johnson to understand the situation in a similar way to Patel Patriot.
That's Wictor loves to learn how things work, and posted his theory Before Patel patriot, afaik.
Other people have come to a similar/same conclusion as Jon.
Nothing against Jon Herold (sp?), but it's ridiculous to think he was the originator of the theory. It was probably in the ether, and people all over the nation came to the conclusion at the same time.
I commented to nip the attitude in the bud, it's counter productive.
I think it might be debatable whether JH's work doesn't stand in its own right, apart from the mere idea that Devolution was possibly used by Trump by Wictor or others.
If we call what JH (PP) has developed as (his) devolution theory and contrast it with the mere idea that DJT might have used devolution and CoG as a concept, then JH is certainly the originator of (his) Devo theory.
I don't know how extensively Wictor ruminated on devo ideas...
Agree with your sentiment. General Flynn accepted interviews with a group that admitted to spreading lies about Badlands founders being "mossad spies".
This tells me it's not Flynn's role to differentiate between truthful and non truthful groups within the Q media community. Perhaps Dave of x22 is following a similar logic, and is giving time to Derek because Derek still has a lot of followers.
Maybe Dave has "checked it out himself" Maybe he hasnt. Does any anon know for sure?
I do know Dave has interviewed Patel Patriot, the person who originated and popularized the Devolution Theory that's focused on Trumps possible use of Devolution so Dave has some foundational understanding of the theory.
However, checking out the Devolution Theory =/= checking out someone who's talking about the theory thats now popular in some alt media circles.
Also, interviewing someone =/= trusting someone.
Q trained anons distinguish between guessing and knowing. They also typically prefer to say "I don't have enough information right now to have an opinion" to avoid mind clutter and confusion.
Personally, when I'm interested in Devolution I turn to the originator of the Devolution Theory, Patel Patriot, because he has written 33 plus, heavily researched and primary sourced articles on the subject and has done countless interviews, including with Dave, since 2021.
For me, this topic is so densely complex it requires careful reading, follow up research and reflection that's impossible during an oral presentation.
Others may feel differently, especially those who weren't part of the chans and/or didn't go through Q training from 2017 through 2020 and that's OK with me.
what if ... instead of reading Patel or listening to Derek or X22 ... you actually read the documents? Look at the EOs. Peruse Law of War Manual. Double check the UCMJ. Rather than wait for someone to chew your food for you, actually make an effort to read legal documents for yourself and form your own opinion.
Just a thought.
what if I prefer to read all of the documents you mentioned in articles that organize those documents in a coherent way, adds timelines that are sourced and offers questions that inspire further research rather than digging through hay stacks of raw public data looking for needles?
"Just a thought" perhaps avoid conflating those who choose not to make everything they eat from scratch with those who expect others to chew their food for them?
"Just a thought" perhaps avoid conflating people who prefer to read primary sourced "legal documents" that have been organized in a coherent way with someone who won't make the effort to read those documents, do further research and form their own opinions?
Thomas Wictor suggested devolution as a theory, using at least this article to support it -
Article is from 3/18/20. I don't know when Patel patriot posted his theory, but he is not the originator, afaik.
"I don't know".
Not meant as a snarky question:
Then why comment about him or his theory?
Devolution =/= The Devolution Theory that's based on Patels research into Devolution; research that began in late 2020.
Thanks for reminding me of Wictor though. He and Cliff_High were the ones who inspired me to pay attention to Patel Patriots research and theories about Trumps possible use of Devolution.
Common sense and an understanding of Military laws and orders led Derek Johnson to understand the situation in a similar way to Patel Patriot.
That's Wictor loves to learn how things work, and posted his theory Before Patel patriot, afaik.
Other people have come to a similar/same conclusion as Jon.
Nothing against Jon Herold (sp?), but it's ridiculous to think he was the originator of the theory. It was probably in the ether, and people all over the nation came to the conclusion at the same time.
I commented to nip the attitude in the bud, it's counter productive.
Hmmm. Note: Cozette recognizes that Dev. has been around for yonks.
I think it might be debatable whether JH's work doesn't stand in its own right, apart from the mere idea that Devolution was possibly used by Trump by Wictor or others.
If we call what JH (PP) has developed as (his) devolution theory and contrast it with the mere idea that DJT might have used devolution and CoG as a concept, then JH is certainly the originator of (his) Devo theory.
I don't know how extensively Wictor ruminated on devo ideas...
Agree with your sentiment. General Flynn accepted interviews with a group that admitted to spreading lies about Badlands founders being "mossad spies".
This tells me it's not Flynn's role to differentiate between truthful and non truthful groups within the Q media community. Perhaps Dave of x22 is following a similar logic, and is giving time to Derek because Derek still has a lot of followers.