"No evidence of election fraud"
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he makes videos every day about how evil the DS is and how much media blatantly lies... but also seems sure they'd never steal an election lol (even though he's made videos on them rigging it in front of him...)
IRL crew also had a massive meltdown last night over the US Corporation conspiracy theory and how stupid QAnon is etc.
Yes I saw that meltdown too. They were strawmanning it and making it seem crazier than it actually is. If they knew anything about the history of the US or how it actually operated they would know about the US Corporation thing. Instead they just laugh. I wonder how much they'll be laughing when everything falls into place and Q is proven true? (They also were very confused as to why Trump keeps re-truthing Q related things, lol. Gee I wonder why he keeps doing that??)
I lol'd when Tim said "he looked into the Q stuff and it's all nonsense"
Yet he talks about everything Q says is happening every day in his videos!!
I've never really paid much heed / given much credence to the US Corporation theory.... do you believe in it?
Do you have any links you could share?
My mind is open, just what I've heard so far doesn't convince me....
The whole "fringed / un-fringed flag" thing is just ......grasping at straws.....